The fifth (8)

"I am going on a trip for a few weeks," Billy suddenly declared when he was having dinner with his family. "I am planning to check the place where one of the titans is and it will be better if I go alone. I will try to return as soon as possible."

"What are the chances that it might end up fighting you?" Kate asked.

"None, in the worst-case scenario, I will fight the spawned monsters," Billy replied. "I am not crazy enough to fight something like that on my own."

Although Billy was lying, he sounded more convincing than usual. Kate and Natalie knew that he wouldn't leave at such a moment without a good reason. He hated working outside the capital, after all. Although they wanted to go with him, they had work to do. They let some of their management work pile up in the last few months and now they had to make it up for it.

"Are you going to use that new thing?" Kate asked. "If you are going to an unknown place alone, perhaps you should use that."