Questions (3)

Lily knew that a skill like that would be perfect for her as someone who used projectiles all the time to fight. That was why she was trying so hard to learn it. Still, it didn't seem like she was making much progress, just like the others. Unfortunately, Billy could only do so much for them to help them learn the skill. The rest was with them...

Nevertheless, before it got dark, the group destroyed two other dungeons, and Billy confirmed that they were pretty similar to the mines he destroyed. They didn't have bifurcations, and the guardians somehow got the knowledge of the defeated ones and tried to use that knowledge against Billy. Naturally, he didn't let monsters outsmart him…

"I guess this truly was a distraction…" Billy thought while he felt the level of mana of the ocean decrease. "It doesn't seem something like a necromancer would be able to pull off, but still… Something big is starting."