Questions (4)

Upon returning home after that weird week, everyone took their time to enjoy the feeling of standing on the ground… It was quite weird to stay that long in a submarine, even though it didn't shake like a boat or small ship. Meanwhile, Billy checked for news of his spies and Icarus and Lucyna. None of them reported anything important… things were as calm as they could be and that only made him more suspicious. As expected, it was time for him to increase the scope of his investigation.

"I suppose no news is good news…" Billy thought.

In any case, Billy left the underground and looked for Sarah and the kids, and he found them in the garden, alongside Samuel. Only the twins hadn't seen Helen yet, so they probably had come to visit and do that, but Samara was nowhere to be seen. That was new, so Billy decided to investigate the matter. It would be better if he learns why as soon as possible instead of leaving it alone only to regret it later.