Past (1)

Humans lived on the brink of extinction for six thousand years, but then someone who was very adapted to magic was born… That was Uvish. He quickly learned of ways to fight the monsters that tormented the people of the world. Eventually, he also got skilled enough to sense mana and teach others how to use it. Around that time, he lived in harmony with nature, and then the four elementals sought to give him their assistance.

Thanks to their help, he managed to come up with ways to teach his friends how to see the spirits as well… Billy couldn't believe that Uvish was once a tribesman… Most likely, he couldn't bring himself to exterminate his own people to the very end. Regardless, things began to improve quite a lot on that part of the human continent. The monsters were the ones who began to be hunted. However, things changed when enemies coming from beyond Uvish imagination began to appear.