Past (2)

"This is what happened,"

"I have the feeling that you resumed things way too much…" Billy said. "Regardless, it looks like Uvish isn't going to wait for much longer to put the final part of his plan in motion."

"You must have realized that he wants your body. Thanks to many coincidences and your own hard work, your body is suited for all kinds of arts. The fact that you can combine many of the skills that belong to him confirms that. Even Uvish couldn't use them like that when we were with him."

"I see…" Billy rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "In any case, can I learn other things from the other spirits?"

"They experienced the same things as me, so they won't know anything else… The only thing that truly differentiates us is the realms that we control. They will awaken soon, but they won't offer you their powers."

"Not like I would ask for it… Still, it surprising that despite all this, they still are sleeping…" Billy said.