Chapter 36: running from Kane

Chapter 36: running from Kane

Mckenna slowly sat upright on the bed. She rubbed her eyes drowsily. She would rather be asleep but someone was stomping around in the bedroom like they were in a hurry. She blinked to keep her eyes from closing and fought the urge to ignore whatever was going on and go right back to sleep. She still had her sleeping mask on.


She called out to the only other occupant of the apartment. When no reply came, Mckenna searched for him on the bed using her hand. 


She called out louder when she discovered he wasn't on the bed. She took off the sleeping mask. The sleep slowly slipped away from her. 

The soft Mickey mouse slippers wasn't far off from the bed and she slipped her feet into them. Mckenna almost replayed the conversation she had with Jason when she got the mickey mouse bedroom slippers. It was mostly her husband making fun of her. She pushed the memory away.