Chapter 37: homecoming

Chapter 37: homecoming

"Slow down, Mckenna!" Elena watched her friend with curious eyes. Marriage was good for her. She was happier and more receptive. And most importantly, she wasn't putting her in a situation where she has to choose between their friendship and her job since Elena worked for Jason.

Hell, Mckenna had cost her a promotion and had gotten her fired... twice but she loved her. They were more than best friends. They were family.

Elena watch as Mckenna swept the room vigorously, trying to get rid of months worth of dust from the room they barely used.

"MK, slow one expects you to get her room ready at a moment notice. She can stay in the guest room for now"

Mckenna stopped temporarily and looked around. Elena had a point but she needed something to keep her busy and stop her from worrying about her stepdaughter's arrival.