Chapter 43: in the shadows

Chapter 43: in the shadows

Jackson was both annoyed and proud. Mckenna was talking like a true Donna. A Donna holds a grudge and then they make it their mission to dethrone their enemies except this particular mini him wanted him gone and vanquished which wasn't exactly good news for him. But Jackson waved it aside. He didn't get to the level he was now as one of the richest man in Africa by cowering from mere threats from children.

Joan seemed uncomfortable. She grabbed Jackson's arm "We should go, honey. We have some shopping to do"

Jackson and Mckenna stared at each other for few more minutes before he followed his wife out.

"Goodbye, Joan. Make better life choices!" Mckenna yelled after them.

Immediately they left, Mckenna picked up her phone and dialed Amazing Donna's number. Even though she was estranged from her father, she was trying to build a relationship with his children - Amazing and Max.