chapter 44: Things I wouldn't do

chapter 44: Things I wouldn't do

"What is it, Kara?" Jason pulled her behind him. If there was someone there to hurt her, the person would have to go through him.

"Spider! Spider" Kara pointed towards the kitchen.

Jason let out a breath. The girl had scared him because of a spider. He went inside the kitchen and found the little sucker and killed it.

He made her dinner and watched her eat.

"I think mama would be furious I am eating cereal for dinner. But I like it"

Jason smiled. He was hopeless in the kitchen. The only thing he can about make in the kitchen was boiling water.

"Come on, let's get you to bed"

He made sure she was tucked in. 

"Dad, do you think Umma likes me?" 

Jason was taken aback. He had no idea where the question was coming from.

"Of course, she does. She loves you just like I do"


"Good night, baby" He kissed her forehead and covered her with the duvet.