Chapter 59: Running from my fears

Chapter 59: Running from my fears

Kara's eyes locked with the creepy figure behind the ticket stale. Her eyes widened immediately she recognized him from the picture her mother gave her when she turned six years old.

Kara blinked. She could be wrong. The whole reason she left her home in Malawi was to get away from Kane and this was Nigeria. And her father was the most powerful man here; Kane wouldn't dare search for her in Nigeria.

She was wrong.

Please, let me be wrong! Please, let me be wrong! Kara said over and over in her mind as she took out her iPad from her backpack. She went to pictures and she saw Kane's picture. She looked up and stared at the man that was now walking towards her.

Her eyes widened even more and take on a hunted look. She willing her little legs to run but she couldn't move. She was rooted to the spot. Even in her catatonic state, her eyes managed to dart towards where Elixir was sitting.