Chapter 60: Truth or not

Chapter 60: Truth or not

Jason asked his mother but suddenly her face lighted up with a smile and she was looking behind Jason. Jason turned around and found his wife and sister behind him.

"Aunt Elixir!" Queenie's voice was loud like she was a six year old instead of a seventeen year old premed student of Columbia University.

Jason felt a certain kind of joy seeing his mother interact with his little sister notwithstanding that she was her ex-husband mistress love child just like him.

"Sweetheart, you came back" Elixir hugged her stepdaughter.

Jason watched as everyone said hi to each other but he couldn't help but let his mind wander to what Luca wanted his mother to tell him.

"Mom, what was Luca talking about?"

Elixir exhaled. Should she tell her son about the possible kidnapping that almost occurred earlier in the evening? Or maybe she should not since there was a possibility she imagined it and keep her fear to herself.