

I can't even breathe knowing that I'm now a king's mate. Everything is just so fast but I thank heaven for having Lydia by my side. I look at my neck in the mirror and my once beautiful flawless neck has two black holes in it now. My skin around my neck looks red with black veins from everywhere following the holes. The holes look more like those of insects but in my case, some black liquid is coming out of it like some sort of poison! I quickly clear my thoughts and wrap a towel around my wet body and hair from the shower I took earlier. I turn the door handle of my bathroom and make my way into my room where Lydia is sitting. She's holding a beautiful white long-neck dress with some white high heels.

"Do you remember that time I promised to give you a surprise but I couldn't?" she asks standing up and approaching me. "Yeah, I do," I say. "Well here," she says as she hands over the dress and high heels. "You need to be beautiful for your birthday and you need some makeover!" she says smirking mischievously.


It's midnight already and everyone is ready to go but I told them to wait small for a very big announcement concerning the princess. As we all wait for the princess to show up, I see King Arthur coming drenched in sweats. He comes closer to me panicking like a baby and with Lenora nowhere to be seen. He grabs hold of my hands and says something that takes my soul away.

"King Ed! please forgive me," he pleads as the music in the background is getting louder. "What have you done to my daughter?" I ask shifting my mood. "I … I bit her!" the room is filled with silence as I register his words. He looks at me then at the floor waiting for me to punish him or something. But instead, I give him a warm but comforting hug that takes him by surprise. He was stunned by the sudden hug but later gives in and hug me back.

"You don't have to feel bad about it," I whisper in his ear. "you're my son and you have the permission to take my daughter like yours," I say, releasing him from the hug. "Thanks, father!" he replies to which I tap him on the shoulder.


My once beautiful French twist is replaced by a chignon with some white pearls Lydia put on it. My dress shines even through the darkness of the hallway leading to a staircase as Lydia and I get closer to the ballroom. I don't know how I feel about all the bite marks and Arthur but my thoughts are quickly interrupted by the beautiful sound of the violin playing from the other side of the door. Lydia opens the door and I walk down the stairs and I'm met with eyes looking at me. My dress seems to shine brighter as the lights of the room hit it like some sort of diamond. I can hear people murmuring and some even gasping for air. Dad quickly rushes over and hugs me tight whispering; "I'm so proud of you". And with that, he starts his announcement.

"To everyone present here today? Thanks so much for coming. I know some of you want to know the truth behind me hiding my daughter and some even spread some rude rumors about her being a monster." He pauses and then continues. "My daughter isn't a monster. I hid her because it was her late mother's choice and her extravagant beauty!" he says, his left hand holding a glass of wine while the other is wrapped around my waist. Dad ends his speech after what looks like an eternity and he is waiting for me to raise a toast. Lydia comes out of nowhere giving me the same wine from earlier. I hold the glass in my hands thinking about whether or not I should drink it. I turn to give the glass back to Lydia but she is nowhere to be found. Dad raises his glass followed by everyone in the room all waiting for me to do the same. So, I raise the glass and we all cheer and take a big gulp and everyone starts chatting again like before. But something doesn't feel right.

"Honey, I'll be right back I promise," Dad says leaving me standing in the middle of the crowd. Some are going and some just drinking but my eyes travel to meet Arthur's. I feel a wave of dizziness as my vision begins to blur. The sweet music played earlier by the violin is now playing a sorrowful melody. I can hear people screaming and some getting away from me. My head begins to spin again but this time harder. The pain is so unbearable that I fall on my knees screaming. I try to open my eyes to see my nose bleeding on the marble floor. I can hear Arthur screaming my name and Beatrice rushing over to help but I motion for them to stop. The crowd circles me from everywhere and I notice the wineglass still in my hand and then it hit me. It wasn't a wine I was drinking earlier, but blood! Not just any blood, but human blood. The last time I tasted human blood, I shifted into an uncontrollable monster unable to control my hunger and just craved for blood! I nearly killed Lydia in the process. My doctor once told me that it's normal for vampires to drink blood but in my case, it'll make me savage. Instead, I drink animal blood whenever I transform. Arthur knees down and slowly, he comes closer. I can see my dad coming too but I scream louder making them stop in their tracks. With one move, I throw the glass as hard as I could and seeing it shatters makes me sigh. But the aching headache comes again making me hold my head in pain. The music keeps on getting sorrowful and faster. Arthur tries to hold me but I push him away so hard that he landed on the nearest table. With that, all the guards from different kingdoms hold their different weapons pointing straight at me. My beautiful white dress is now red from blood coming out of my nose. I let out a really loud howl and with that, knock my wrists on the floor breaking the white bracelet Lydia gave me earlier as a present. My fingers quickly changed into sharp claws tearing my transparent gloves. My eyes shift from grey to red along with my now red hair.

I failed everyone,

I failed myself!!