

Observing from far, I can see people leaving the palace in screams and fears. But that's nothing compared to the plan I have, THE PLAN! Rushing to my bedroom, I gather all my arrows cast out of silver along with some silver bullet. If nobody is going to kill that monster, I will and I don't mind getting my hands dirty! I return to the ballroom where some royals stand in complete shock watching the movie or rather the transformation. I come closer and tiptoe to have a better view of Lenora transforming right in front of everyone. and, the journalists I hired are doing a great job filming every bit of her life!


The crowd,



They're all looking at me speechless and I can see pity in the eyes of dad! My white dress is now torn apart by a massive muscular body covered in grey/white fur. the crown I was wearing earlier fell to the floor while I was still shifting. That crown that dad gave to me! I am completely in wolf form but I forget a little detail, a wolf doesn't have wings but, in my case, I do have. To complete the final touch, my back begins tearing into two big lines creating ways for my wings. My wings come out big and strong, dark as the darkness itself. People are backing away including the guards. They all have this fear in their eyes and I see a little girl hugging her mom tight. Tears started dripping from my eyes as I try to speak but couldn't because of the sadness that hugs my heart.

Arthur comes closer, eyes connected to mine. he is limping from the throw and I kind of feel guilty!

"Remember when we were kissing, I knew immediately that you are the love of my life!" he says kneeling right before me.

"Please Princess, come back to me! Don't let anger carry you away, you're the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on! Even in this form, you look mesmerizing." He says sobbing. I close my eyes and remember all the memories I shared with Arthur. Even though they're not that much, but in all of them, I feel love in them. Quickly, I feel my paws turning back into human hands along with my entire body except for my wings. Standing completely naked, I feel a long piece of cloth around me and someone wiping away my tears. Still, eyes close, I feel Arthur's comforting hug and Beatrice's calm voice and I feel safe. But then I feel a sharp pain in my left wing. Turning back, I see a huge sword piercing in my wing. I feel rage in my existing being as I push Arthur and Beatrice away to deal with the piece of shit who dares to hurt me. Surprisingly, it was one of the princes I met. He looks so small at my sight but I am too furious to keep a straight face. With one swift fast move, I tear his arm away leaving nothing but blood. He cries out in pain but I'm not done yet but then I hear my name being called out.

"My little girl, please stop you're not a murderer!" dad says taking me off guard. I look at the prince laying there and the bloody arm in my hands dripping in blood. I throw it away taking some steps back as the realization travels in my body cursing me for being a monster. I take my crown right beside my feet and ran away. Everyone is running after me but I'm faster. I reach the gates of the palace and I try opening it but it is locked. I have no time to spare, I give a left hook at the metal bars breaking them instantly. But unfortunately for me, I am circled by guards everywhere leaving me no way to go. I use my wings as my only option to push the guard away with the wind I'm creating with them. They all fall to the floor and I take this chance to fly as high as I can. Feeling the cold breeze bathing me from upstairs, I see the forest right below me. I stop and pause turning to look at people below me. They're all looking at me with hate and disgust, dad collapses in Beatrice's arms and Arthur just knees there screaming my name. and then I see Lydia with an arrow bow and arrows in her hand. She looks at me smirking and shot the arrow right at me.

"Lenora!!!" Arthur shouts but it is too late! The arrow pierces through me in my stomach and everything goes black as I fall!


Seeing that motherfucker falling from high above is as oddly satisfying as watching any satisfying videos on the web. I mind-linked mom telling her if we should proceed with the plan and she says YES! I take Lydia's hand and look deep into her eyes, she looks radiant as a vampire, and dad is too dumb to find out. The voices of people shouting "GO KILL THAT MONSTER!" give me and Lydia the motivation to go on and end my dear sister's life. Very soon, I catch Lenora's scent and she isn't that far from us. Following her scent, we hear a scream almost busting our heads out, it was Lenora's! we ran, her scent getting stronger, and finally, here she lays with an arrow in her stomach. The cloth mom uses to wrap her naked body is torn into pieces barely covering her body. She looks so miserable and I just want to end her misery but I'm not a murderer. With the bit of strength she has, she manages to pull out the arrow from her stomach, gasping for air as she spits black liquid. Lydia and I look at her with pity and I feel sorry for her, she might not be my real sister but we share something common and it is LOVE! Memories of our childhood come flashing in my head as I recall all the sad moments, I hated her and even did terrible things to her but she has always forgiven me and sometimes we seem to get along.