The Dark-Moon Kingdom


I wake up in yet another bed, another room darker than the one from earlier. Standing up, I detangled my hair, combing it with my fingers. Hopefully, my crown is right on the table beside the bed. I wear my crown and let my hair fall to the floor and exit the room. I tiptoe slowly but unfortunately for me, I'm not in the penthouse making it harder to escape. I try my best to walk silently to the door before me and it leads me to a humongous dining room. Rays of light illuminate the room through the curtain. To be honest, it's beautiful.

"I can see you're enjoying the view!" Jaxon says coming out of nowhere. "Where am I?" I demand. "You're in the Dark-Moon Kingdom." He says.

"I want to go back home! I can't stay here with werewolves and I need to go back to Arthur, my fiancé!" I say. "Well, that won't be possible because you're one of us now," Ruby says from behind. "What do you mean?" I ask, confused. "you're our Queen, you're the chosen one!" a muscular man probably in his 50s says from a corner.

"Here, take a seat." The man says pulling an armchair from the table for me. I take a seat and Ruby, Jaxon, the strange man, Ace, a very attractive middle-aged lady with long brown hair joins along with a beautiful tall female and a quite handsome male.

"Who are you all and what am I doing here? I want to go back to my dad!" I rise my tone. "Lenora, there's something we need to share with you," Ruby says in her most serious tone. "This is Mr. Luther Henley and Mrs. Dinah Henley King and Queen of the Dark-moon kingdom." She says, pointing at the middle-aged man and woman. "And these two over there," she points her finger to the handsome young guy and pretty lady. "Brutus my brother and his lovely mate Isadora!" she says. I glance at Isadora who eyes me from up to down.

"Well, someone doesn't like me here!"


"So where do you want me to put him? He has been off and wouldn't even eat. Since his bitch of sister went missing that faithful night, he's been distant and now I found him paralyzed on the fucking bed repeating Lenora's motherfucking name." I look at my now mother-in-law's face with anger.

"Lydia my dear," she smiles. "don't stress yourself, it's too bad for the baby. In one week, you're going to be the queen of the kingdom." She says. "As for Bryan," she looks at Bryan paralyzed on the bed. "he'll spend some time with his father in the royal's dungeon." She says. "Guards!" she calls out. Two huge men come in. "Carry the little boy to his father!" she points at him and they lift him, carrying him to meet his father who is being locked up.

"Now, I have nobody to stop me from being a queen"


So, it's this famously known unknown girl that Ace has been talking about? And she is his fucking mate of course.

Goddess knows why she gave me an irresponsible mate who refuses to take over the throne even though he is the oldest of the Henley all combined. I can't let Lenora or whatever take my place as a queen in my kingdom! If Brutus can't be a king, then I'll be a queen. A queen of my own and if it means to take all the Henley down, I'll.

"Greetings to you your Highnesses'! Please pardon me for my behavior but I don't know where to place one and one together!" she says. I don't know but something about her is fake! Her physical appearance, voice, flawless skin color, and incredibly long hair. I don't know why others are buying it but I'm not buying it a bit.

"You don't need to apologize for anything," Dad aka king says. "We are the ones to apologize for Ace's behavior. He tends to lose it when it comes to his mate."


"His mate?"

"What is he talking about?"

"Excuse me? But I'm nobody's mate. I'm just eighteen!" I bellow. I exchange looks with Ruby but she lowers her head in response, so do others. "Can anybody explain what is going on? Why am I here in the first place? I don't know where you guys picked me from but I need to leave, NOW!" I request, getting frustrated.

"Listen, dear, we're not trying to force anything on you but you have to know that you are chosen by the moon Goddess, just understand!" Dinah says. "Okay, what do you want from me?" I sneer. "you're our Queen and daughter-in-law." She adds. "that's not possible because I have a fiancé who is waiting for me and he probably thinks I'm dead." I reply. "Here, this is the mark he has given me the night of my birthday." I unzip my dress from behind and let it fall to the floor. I don't care about who sees my body I just want to reveal my bite mark. To my surprise, my wound is healed but my body is covered with long luminous lines connecting from every direction following patterns. "Fuck!"

"As we can all see, there's no bite mark on your neck," Brutus says in a seductive voice which has Ace groans warningly. Isadora on the other hand gives me a look of pure evil. I run my fingers on my neck to the place where my bite mark is supposed to be but there's nothing. No holes, no blood, or even pain but nothing. "What is happening to me?" I freak out. I pick the dress laying on the floor and wear it back unable to process a thing. I stand there in disbelief with the only thing that reminded me of my dad, my crown. With some steps back, I remove my crown, wrap my hair around my arms and run. I don't know how but I just run!