The Chase


I run after her, my mate. She needs to know that she has nobody else except us. She is so fast to catch and she is going right in the dense forest. Her level of speed is incomprehensible but I'm the Alpha and I'm stronger and faster. I shift into a big massive black wolf. I'm letting my wolf go after his female, what belongs to him. Derrick has a mind of his own, he won't let go of his property, let alone his mate! We run as if our lives depend on it, breaking down every single thing obstructing our ways to get to our mate. Eventually, we're able to catch up with her not too far from the forbidden river. Sitting there in all her glory, my mate. Naked, radiant, hair loose, and in the water. My wolf begs to claim her, to have her but it's not time yet. She doesn't seem to notice me and with all the lines on her body, she is indeed the chosen one. I shift back into my naked human form but refuse to join her, I'm not some pervert! I hide behind a tree as she gets out of the water to get her clothes. Being a powerful alpha as I am, I never feel so weak in front of a woman.

"For how long have you been stalking me and looking at me naked?" she says, which has me frozen in the spot. I stand, ignoring the fact that I'm naked as the day that I was born. We gaze at ourselves for a minute and it's funny to see how petite she is before a giant man. She lowers her gaze and then she sees it! She turns, cheek bright red as she realizes what she just saw.

"What is this?" she asks. "Well, it's my…" "I don't want to know!" she interrupts. "Where is your clothe?" she asks. "I was looking for my mate and I forgot to grab some clothes," I say, smirking.


This is so embarrassing! His whatever image is stuck in my brain. "I'm not your mate, I just need to go back home right now!" I say, walking away. A part of me wants to believe all his crazy stories about me being a queen and the chosen one. The lines on my body aren't helping either. I feel attracted to him but why? I don't know but I need to go before things get weird.

"So, you're going to leave me? To leave us? Lenora, I don't know you that much but the Moon Goddess chose you for a reason, to rule and be a great Luna." He says. I tear off a piece of my dress' fabric and throw it on the ground. "Here, cover yourself!" I say, getting away. I walk for about two minutes when I hear Ace talking to someone.

"What are you doing here? Can't you understand that it's over between us? Isadora, I don't want you following Lenora and me again or else," Ace says. "Or else what?" She says. That bitch, I knew she was up to something. This time I don't wait for a second chance, I go for it. Seeing that crazy bitch putting her dirty fingers all around Ace is enough to let that monster come out. My fangs take over, eyes turning blood red. I don't know what happens next but Isadora pulls Ace and kisses him. "That's it!" I speed, yanking her away from Ace.

"Oh, so here comes the bitch, an imposter." She says. "You don't touch Ace ever again with your disgusting paws," I warn. "Ace are you sure this thing is your mate? So, you're leaving me over her? How disappointing!" she exclaims.

"There was never "US"! you left me for Brutus and the poor guy doesn't know that he has a cheat for a mate." Ace says. "Well watch me." She approaches and with that, slapping me in the process. Ace rushes to aid me but all I can see is red. I grab hold of her and send her flying to the closest tree. Her ankle twists in the process but I don't care. I'm so tired of the black-haired girls trying to ruin my life. First is Lydia and now her, I wonder who the next will be. I jump on her, picking her up. She's coughing blood and she tries strangling me. That is a bad choice because I seize her hands in the act and send it knocking the tree so hard that they crack.


I snatch her away from my now bloody ex. Having a mate is one thing, but having a mate who is as strong as you are is underrated. "Leave me alone, let me end this gold digger." She says. "it's better to leave her there. She has already learned her lesson in a hard way." I say.

"You two are going to pay!" Isa cries out. "Well watch me," Lenora says, facing me and kissing me. My soul left my body with this sudden kiss. Eventually, Isa ends up standing and leaving, making us the only ones in the forest. Lenora pulls away from our kiss and proceeds to leave.

"Don't think that I kiss you because I love you, I just don't want that witch's fingers all around you." She says. "Why? I thought you don't love me, then why care about another lady's fingers on me?" I reply.

"Just leave me alone!" she says, leaving.

"Wait" I shout out. "What" she shouts back. "I know how to get you out of here but let's make a deal," I say. She stops and puts all her attention back on me. "What's the deal?" she demands. "I want you to be my bride for three months. I want to know you and your story and if you agreed, I'll let you go when the deal will be over but if you don't, you'll never find your way out." I say.

"What if I feel like leaving within those three months?" she asks. "Then, I'll keep you in the royal's dungeon for the remaining months."
