Double Surprise


Searching in the forest where my Love disappeared on that faithful night, humiliated, shot, and banish from her land. Seeing the most powerful kingdom and king falling apart just because of a secret is heartbreaking. I lost my parents months ago and I can't afford to lose my soon-to-be bride.

"Have you found anything yet?" I say, uneasily. "No king! It's like she disappeared without leaving any trace." The guards reply. "I'm sorry to tell you this my lord but the Queen and duchess want you out of their land afternoon." A guard says. "Okay let's leave," I say.

"Wherever you are, I'm going to find you and bring you back to your kingdom, my Queen!"


"Dad you can't leave me, us! I know I've been a terrible son and I treated Lenora bad and trust me, I'm regretting it. Dad, Lydia is the monster, not Lenora and I was too blinded by lust to see her true colors. Please dad forgive me!" I bow apologetically to Dad, who is visibly unable to move neither respond; He can't even eat without a guard feeding him. We're locked away from everyone, I need to figure a way out but how? The cage is covered with ground garlic which weakens us when we come any near. The only access to exit is through the guards who are were dragons. It won't be easy.


"Listen I want you to behave, she doesn't know why she is chosen and I don't want any of you to intimidate her," I warn others in the royal garden. Even through my blindness, I can sense Ace and his mate coming but someone else is with them. "Brutus, where is Isadora?" I ask frantically. "What's wrong Dinah?" Luther asks, petting my hair. "she's in danger, go and get her now!" I say to which Brutus shifts and rush to the woods. A couple of minutes later, he comes back with Isadora bleeding and coughing. I can sense it!

"What happened?" I hold unto Luther to guide my way. Jaxon and ruby take Isadora into the emergency room leaving my son and husband with me.

"She got attacked by rogues." He says, taking back in tears. "Rogues? What was she doing in the forest in the first place?"

"Mom, what's going on?"

"Ace how's is Lenora? Is she fine?" I leave Luther's hold and use my cane to go to meet Ace. "All this is because of you and your stupid mate!" Brutus cries out. "What are you talking about?" I ask. "Isadora went to find Lenora and got hurt in the process." His cries turn to anger. "Listen, let me explain!" Ace exclaims. "There's nothing left to explain!" Brutus reply. The next thing I hear is the sound of claws coming out and me being tossed away.

"Brutus stops!" Luther screams but it is already late, he attacks Ace.


I was preparing myself to take in Brutus' claws in my stomach but nothing. I open my eyes to see mom screaming, dad panicking, and Lenora kneeling before me. I look up to see Brutus' hand dripping with blood and I look back at Lenora who is now on the floor gasping for air with five massive holes in her stomach. And that's when I hear the sound of mom's scream and Lenora's dying gasp. At that point, I just carry Lenora to the emergency room without even considering anyone. My mate took my pain and is dying right now.


"How is she doing right now?" I ask Zia who is trying her best to treat her. "Well, she has a broken back, twisted ankle, and a broken arm," Zia replies. "But why isn't she healing faster?" I ask. "Well, the wound is caused by either an Alpha, a primordial, a Lycan, or another powerful creature or hybrid." She says.

"What?" I say. And "BAM" what is left of the door is now in pieces. Jaxon grabs a sword from nearby but just drops it as we see Lenora drenched in blood and Ace crying. Some nurses carry her and put her on a bed beside Isadora.

"I want everybody to get out of the room, to avoid any disturbance to the patient." The doctors say, as they finally arrive. We all get out of the room and choose to wait in the hallway. Ace hasn't said anything since making the atmosphere thick. Brutus, mom, and dad come towards us. Mom looks like she has been crying and dad looks mad as hell. Brutus walks up to Ace but before I open my mouth to say something, Ace throws a left hook at Brutus which has Jaxon and me running to tear them apart.

"Ace, what the fuck is wrong with you? Have you lost your fucking mind?" I scold him but he chooses to leave instead. "Can anybody tell me what in the heck is going on? I ask but my question is quickly interrupted by Zia running in our directions.

"How are my daughters?" Mom asks. "Sorry to say but there is good news and bad news," Zia replies. "What's the good news?" Jaxon asks. "The good news is, Isadora has woken up from a coma and is doing perfectly fine. But the bad news is..." She pauses. "What's wrong with Lenora?" Dad asks.

"Lenora is dying! She is losing a lot of blood even after getting some stitches. The problem is, we don't know who she is or what she is making her healing process even difficult. If we can't do something in the next 24 hours, SHE WILL DIE!"

The room is quickly filled up with silence and soon after, screams. Ace's Scream!