Friendly Spar

Entering the facility, the headmaster walked down the hallway while pulling Jayce behind him. They passed what Jayce assumed to be the staff of the facility.

The staff wore white coats, which made Jayce think they were scientists of some kind.

When they saw the headmaster they bowed with respect. Seeing Jayce being pulled into his company, pity could be seen covering their face.

"That poor kid."

"Seems like the headmaster found a new toy."

"Let's hope he survives."

Any hope Jayce had of making it out alive was destroyed upon hearing the whispers and seeing the look of pity on the scientist down the hall. 'Wait, how could I hear them from all the here?'

[Answering Host Quesiton]

[Question 1, the Host's five basic senses, hearing, touch, smell, and sight have been improved.]

Jayce was so busy reading the message that he didn't notice they weren't in the hallway anymore but in a huge open room that was about 5,000 square feet.

There was only one entrance with a long window stretching down the wall next to the door, but he couldn't see through it.

The room seemed to be made out of a strong metal, piecing it together he knew this is where he would 'spar' the headmaster.

Dropping Jayce at the entrance, the headmaster walked to the opposite side of the room. Putting his arms across his chest he turned to look at Jayce.

"You better get off the floor cause as soon we get the signal the spar begins even if you aren't ready."

Getting off the floor, lights started to emit off the metal walls as a speaker was heard.

"The spar begins in 3, 2, 1. Begin."

[Quest Recieved]

[Survive the Spar!]

[Time to show how strong you are, correction, how durable you are. If you were to take a hit directly you would most likely die. Good luck.]

[Quest Rewards: +3 Stat Points, Instant Level Up]

[Additional Quest Reward: A new skill will be unlocked if you can deal damage to the target.]

[Additional Quest Reward: ??? will be received if you can defeat the target.]

[Time Limit: Unknown]

[Quest Failure: Death]

Before Jayce could read the new quest, the headmaster appeared right in front of him throwing a punch toward his face.

With his senses enhanced senses and his instincts screaming at him, Jayce was barely able to duck. Making the headmaster's punch land into the wall behind him.

Seeing that the strong metal had the indent of a fist, Jayce internally gulped. 'If that had hit me, my head would have been the one that was indented.'

Jumping back to create distance, the headmaster disappeared only to reappear on Jayce's right side.


[Request Acknowledged]

[Increasing Demonic Synchronization]

[Demonic Synchronization: 0.00%...1.04%]

[Max Demonic Synchronization has been reached]

Feeling his body becoming lighter, Jayce raised his arms to defend against the impending attack.

Blocking the attack, Jayce could tell that he had fucked up.

All the bones in his arm broke as he was sent skidding across the ground, crushing his back against the wall as blood shot out of his mouth.

[-80 HP]

Seeing the notification, he was surprised that one hit took away half of his HP.

Standing up using the wall as support, Jayce looked at the headmaster's face that just emitted disappointment and pity.

Anger started to rise within Jayce as he came up with a way to wipe it off his face.

'System can you direct all of the energy into a single part of my body.'

[Answering Host's Questions]

[Question 1, yes but it is not recommended as that part of the body may not be able to handle it.]

'Do it.'

While Jayce was conversing with the system, the headmaster had his arms crossed with disappointment.

'Was my intuition wrong, I thought he would be stronger than this. I guess it's time to call off the spar before I end up breaking him.'

Feeling energy gather, he opened his eyes to see Jayce in a crouched position like track athletes had done.

Jayce knew that this was the best way to gain top speed very quickly as he was once on a track team.

Transferring all of his demonic energy into his legs, he shot straight toward the headmaster. Covering a little less than 1,000 feet in two seconds.

[-10 HP]

Right before reaching him, Jayce transferred the energy from his legs into a single finger.

His finger partially transformed last second into sharp metal fingernails as he aimed it toward the headmaster's chest.

[-5 HP]

The headmaster was surprised as he didn't expect Jayce to have any strength left in him. He was confused as to why instead of a punch or a kick of some kind, he pointed his hand like a sword.

Going to catch his hand, he was taken off guard as it transformed last second. Having no time to stop, his palm was pricked by Jayce's finger, drawing a single drop of blood.

'Seems like my intuition was right. But what was that energy?' The headmaster thought with a confused expression.

Once Jayce's momentum was stopped by the headmaster, he fell face-first onto the solid metal floor. Looking to his side, a notification popped up, just as he had hoped.

[Additional Quest Complete]

[Additional rewards will be given after the Main Quest is complete]

With no energy left, Jayce canceled his Demonic Synchronization and flipped over to look at the headmaster's face.

Seeing that his once disappointed face was no longer apparent made Jayce's efforts worth pushing himself.

"Good job kid. As much as I want to continue sparring, I don't think you can handle anymore so we'll end the sparring for now."

[Quest Complete]

[Additional Quest Failed]

[Retrieving Rewards...]

[Rewards have been obtained]

[Instant Level Up]

[Life Absorption has been obtained!]

[You have leveled up!]

After confirming the rewards, he closed the notification as the door to the sparring room opened. A lady with short purple hair and wearing a lab coat walked in.

"You need to go easier on the students, headmaster."

"I was going easy on him, it's not my fault he's weak."

"..." Jayce was taken aback by how unreasonable the old man was being. But ended up not saying in fear of another "friendly spar."

Ignoring the headmaster's statement, the lady couched next to Jayce who was laying on the floor. Extending her hand, mana started to gather around Jayce.


Particles of light surrounded Jayce and entered his wounds, healing the damage that had been done to them.

[+95 HP]

"This won't restore your stamina, so don't push yourself anymore for today." The lady with purple hair said with a neutral expression.


"My name is Ms. Moore."

"Linda, if you could show Jayce here to the dormitory while I fill out paperwork, I would be very thankful." The headmaster asked Linda with a wink.

"I see no problem with such a request." Taking the hint, Linda grabbed Jayce by the hand and they left the facility towards the dorm facility.

Heading deeper into the facility, the headmaster arrived at a door with two guards. The guards saluted the headmaster as he went through the door.

On the other side was a dark room with many personnel on computers.

"Bring me Jayce Price's profile."

One of the personnel brought a tablet with Jayce's profile, and a picture of him could be seen on the screen with information regarding him.

Taking the tablet the headmaster scrolled through to review the profile.

[Name: Jayce Price]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 16]

[DOB: December 21, 2005]

[Weight: 145 lbs, (65 kg)]

[Height: 5"11, (180 cm)]

[Relatives: Alice Price (deceased)]

[Danger Level: C]

After reviewing the headmaster updated a few things within Jayce's profile.

[Race: Human?]

[Danger Level: First Stage of B]

{Warning, the subject's Danger Level may not be completely accurate.}

'That energy he was using wasn't mana, it was much more sinister. I hope my intuition is wrong but if it isn't, peace won't be lasting much longer.'