Chapter Thirty Seven

Chase surprised her by leaning down to hold her face in both of his hands when they were left alone. He looked at Lia, as if he was making sure she was okay. "The school told me you fell. Is that what happened?" The man's concern sobered her up a little. She pouted and nodded at him. "Where did you fall from? What were they making you do? Parkour?" His voice remained gentle. Then his eyes narrowed at her bruised cheek and a thought occurred to him. "Wait, did someone hit you?" And because she didn't respond to him fast enough, he misunderstood her brief silence as a confirmation that someone had hurt her. "Give me a name!" he said and straightened up, letting go of her face to clench his hands into fists by his side.

Damn, if someone had hit her, she would be worried about them.

"The bags hit me... when I fell on them," she tried to explain to him.

"What?" His eyes surveyed her body for damage. He frowned when he saw her foot and arm again.