Season Two: Chapter Twenty Eight (Part III)

An hour later...

"Quick! She is losing a lot of blood!" A nurse dashed out of the operation room and yelled to the other nurses for more blood infusion.

Adrian and Alex, along with Lucas and Roane, were waiting outside the operation room anxiously, eyeing each other with worried expressions on their faces.

A nurse then came running back to the operating room. Alex stalled her by grabbing her arm. "What is happening inside?"

"The patient is losing a lot of blood after the baby is out. If the blood can't be stopped-"

"NO! YOU GOT TO SAVE LIA!" Alex got agitated and shook the nurse ferociously. "YOU GOT TO SAVE HER, OKAY? YOU HAVE TO!"

"Alex..." Adrian came forward and soothed his wife. "Let them do their job in peace. You cannot interrupt them."

"Lia will be fine." Lucas placed his hands on the couple. "Lia is a strong woman. She will be strong for her daughter."