Season Two: Chapter Forty Nine

A black CT6 platinum was driven off, leaving the court building, then ran down the street that led it to where the Herrera Corp HQ was located. The sky was clear, with a clear light blue painted across the horizon. Not a sign of one or two, big or small, white, fluffy clouds floating across the sky in October, the month that is usually full of cold days marked on the calendar in which the cool wind harshly blows people's hair back. And those cold breezes that send a tingling sensation up and down their spine. Not a sign of that today. Instead, the suburbs were getting calmer. The October wind was calm, not breezy, not cold or pushy, but as light as a feather. Hitting all the leaves of the lined trees along the street in Manila with a light, small movement. It had been gloomy for weeks, but today, it was so full of sunshine that the sun hitting the trees made the leaves so vivid and soft.