Chapter 14 All I see is Red

Jumping into the window, I cushion my landing.

By rolling after the fall.

"More of you?"

The woman asked, walking towards me, raising her hands.

Drawing my sword, I got in my stance.

Facing the woman.

Her blue eyes glow, while her energy rises.

She summons crystal shards out of thin air, sending them in my direction.

I deflect the crystals.

Approaching her, I kicked her hip.

She grunts, holding her hip.

Raising the sword, I slash at her.

She'd duck dodging, my attack.

Her crystals would dart at me, at high speeds.

Holding my hands up.

I create a barrier similar to that of Max.

The crystals bounce off of the barrier, falling to the floor.

My barrier weakens.

One of the crystals flew through the barrier.

Piercing my thigh.


My barrier disappears, losing focus.

I clench onto my sword.

Imbuing the sword with electricity.

The shards form in front of her, creating a shield.

Slashing her shield she successfully blocks my strike.

She grips the bottom of her shield.

The crystals begin forming in her hand.

Creating a long crystal sword.

Swinging my sword.

Clashing with her.

"Don't hold back, do this, kid. I'm holding back."

She said.

Kicking her shin, she falls.

I then strike her face with my knee.

Raising my sword, I attempted to split her skull.

But my sword felt heavy.

Not being able to swing.

I turned around, looking up at the tall man who stood before me.

His bright red eyes glow in the darkness of the apartment.

The man holds my sword, with his bare hand.

"Where did they take them?"

The man asked, looking at me.

"I won't tell you anything! You freaks!"

I said, letting go of my sword.

He tossed the sword away.

Reaching into my cloak.

I take out many daggers at once.

Throwing them simultaneously.

The daggers would bounce off his skin.

"You are pretty skilled,kid."

He said.

His skin seemed to be covered in some type of metal.

I pull out another dagger sprinting at him.

Imbuing my dagger with a tremendous amount of energy.

It would surge with electricity.

I then shove the dagger through his chest and he falls to his knees.

"Graaa! You stupid kid!"

He yells, in pain.

His body becomes limp as blood splatters everywhere on the floor.

Panting I turned towards the woman.

"You think you won, kid?"

She asked.

Walking towards my sword, I pick it up.

She stands up gripping her crystal sword.

She begins to focus as more shards appear around her.

"Sorry what I'm about to do to you kid."

She said.

I sprinted towards her with my sword.

The crystal shards fly towards me.

I cover myself with a barrier shielding myself.

Breathing heavily, I continued to sprint.

The shards bounce off my barrier shield.

Gripping my sword tightly, I glare at the woman.

We exchange one final blow as we both dash past each other.

With our blades raised as blood drips from both of the tips of our weapons.

I turned around to look at her but I felt dizzy.

She turns to look at me with her blade on her shoulder.

"I hope I don't have to kill you."

She said.

But silence grips the room like a giant hand crushing me only for a moment because I couldn't feel anything at that time.

All I could hear was something dripping on the carpet.

My knees shakeI'm getting weaker.

I can't focus on my own body.

Stumbling onto the floor trying to catch myself with both hands.

"Sorry kid."

The man's voice said, standing before me with the sword in his chest.

"Whoever the hell you are, you did enough."

The woman said, holding her sword up.

"Don't worry, Dale sent me to look out for his family. My name is Shepherd."

He said.

The woman stands up staring at me, wiping her face off.

As her hand glows on her cheek, she uses healing magic.

Her scar closes.

I looked up at the tall man standing over me.

"I know you didn't choose this life."

He said.

His hand shimmers as light reflects off his fist.

Shepherd punches me.

I only see his eyes, before darkness engulfes my vision completely. f.

Waking up, I hear voices but the world still feels heavy.

Waking up in a chair.

I hear men barking at each other.

Looking around, we are in a dirty apartment near the underworld of Ciphia.

I look at Jericho, noticing his style.

He wears a black business shirt with a white vest.

Filled with bullet holes and no wounds.

He has short blonde hair with red eyes.

The eyes of Vorkhan, the fancy clothes.

Seeing a similar figure.

He stands over me.

He wears a long black sleeve shirt.

He has long blonde hair wrapped in a ponytail.

At the woman's apartment.

"I'll tell you what you want to know, just let the kid go!"

Jericho said.

"Since when did you have morality, Jericho?"

Another man said.

"The kid is the victim in all of this. You need to understand that."

Jericho said.

"The kid is the victim? Yet he broke into a grown woman's apartment attempting to kill her?".

Shepherd asked.

Jericho sighs.

"You don't understand what they go through, so don't say that."

Jericho pleaded.

"Of course, after you explain to me how we will find Nathan's family."

Shepherd said.

"The kid will know but I doubt he will explain that you took his right hand."

Jericho said.

Shocked, I looked at my right arm to see my hand was gone.

"The kid is awake."

Someone in the corner says his yellow piercing eyes.

He wears a business shirt with black pants, his hair long and dark brown.

He has dirty stubble and his wounds are healed, but his clothes are still ripped from recent events.

It's the same man that confronted me on the street with Catherine and Eric.

It's Nathan.

There is also that old man with gray hair.

Wearing his ugly brown trench coat, his clothes were ripped but no wounds in sight. His eyes are also yellow.

That must be Dale.

"Your fucking arm was ripped off. I'll take the next one if you don't tell me where you took my son damnit!"

Nathan shouts, approaching me closer.

The old man grabs Nathan's shoulder, stopping him.

Nathan growls, baring his fangs at me.

Nathan's stubble grows along with his eyebrows.

What is he?

"He's not going to tell us after what we did to him. Besides, we got the majority of the information Jericho had on Ohme."

Dale said.

"Besides, if the kid doesn't tell us, we will go straight to the boss."

Dale said.

Nathan turned away from me and turned back into the corner.

"Let's do it your way Dale."

Nathan says.

"How do we do that exactly?"

Shepherd asked.