Chapter 25 Harsh Conclusion

"No, look closer Nathan." A little girl said.

Can you read my mind?

"Yes." She giggles.

"Look closer," The darkness sucks me into a bright sunny day.

I fell into a group of trees.

Hitting my head on a branch, I landed on my face.

"Damnit you couldn't give me a better landing?" I asked.

"This is your head. You have the control to change that, Nathan." She says, I feel wind blowing back at me.

While trees are being spread apart to reveal a field of corpses.

Heads sit on sticks, they look very familiar.

I saw a beast covered in blood and wounded.

His shoulder is burnt to the bone, while the rest of his body is covered.

His claws on the ground.

In gaping wounds that won't close.

The beast shoves the stick into the ground and the head on top of it.

"Ah look who it is.." The beast speaks.

I glared at the decapitated heads, in shock.

Gasping, I held my chest.

"Noo.." I said, falling to my knees.

The beast laughs, he turns to me.

I look at him, the beast resembles my father's.

"Nathan... Did you really think you could protect your family? In Ciphia, the same place our family was buried in. This is how it will end, how it will always end." He says, clawing his decaying flesh from his face.

I fell on my back, crawling away from him.

"This is how it will always end," he says.

His wounds begin to close.

The beast steps even closer to me.

"You couldn't save them, Nathan. You failed, you always will."

The beast's flesh reforms around his bones along with his claws.

His other claw clenches my throat, lifting me up, revealing his true form.

"You are now bound by their fate. Nathan is forever a slave to your family's pain. This is your fault."

The beast crushes my throat slowly. I don't resist.

I wake up gasping for air as everything disappears in an instant.

Sitting up, I looked at the silver bars.

"Nathan...." A man says, he sounds familiar but extremely weak.

I turn as I feel silver chains smack against the floor.

Tugging against it holds me back.

"Nate, relax. You have been down for three weeks. In those three weeks, everyone has been taken away to a laboratory, me and Dale believe," Logan says.

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

"We lost Nathan, we lost," Logan says.

"What is all that noise you are all making?" A guard asks as he approaches the cell.

I glare at him as he stands before us holding his gun.

"It's time to take one of you to the lab," he says.

He goes to the corner Dale is sitting in.

I grabbed him with my restrained wrists, slamming him against the floor.

"Nathan no!" Logan shouts.

I began choking him.

The guard tries to resist, gasping for air.

"You're not taking him." I said, trying to snap his neck.

I hear footsteps, a lot of them.

Sounds like five of them.

"He's the one Thorne told us to bring in if he was awake," one of the guards said.

"Don't shoot, take him now!" The guard said behind me.

They all group, I release the guard from my chokehold.

One of them smacked me with the butt of his gun.

I stand up snarling.

As blood drips from the side of my face.

The man I choked gets up punching me against the wall.

"You stupid scum, you have any idea how many men you killed?" He asks, punching me again.

He uppercuts me and throws another punch.

The guard continues to punch me.

"That's enough. Let's take him in." One of the guards said behind him.

"He almost killed me," he says.

I continued to stand up staring at him.

"He will most likely die. They're just like all of them."

The guard scoffs.

They unlock my chains, releasing me.

"If you try anything, we will kill your old man." The guard said.

They shoved me out of the cell as we walked down the hall.

I couldn't help but stare at a bright light upstairs from this hallway.

We walk towards the light, as they push me up the steps.

Where it feels, the air feels completely different, downstairs smelled like that house we were at.

While here it smells even worse.

There are two rooms, one on my left and the right. They have thick glass shields.

In the middle of each of these rooms are chairs with silver cuffs.

Blood sits on the walls and floors in these rooms.

"Welcome to my lab, Nathan." A woman wearing a black dress with red hair greeted me.

The guards kneel, but she shoos them away.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"The person who changed your life is the one who now owns you," she says.

"My name is Thorne, I'm now your Queen. You do my bidding." She says, smiling as she walks past me.

"I'm going to kill you!" I shouted, sprinting towards her.

She lifts her finger, my body tenses up.

"Don't you understand, I control all of your muscles, Nathan.Just like I did with your family, leading them to their deaths. You might die today as well. Don't you want to know that your son will live peacefully under my care?" She says, as my body tightens even further under some pressure.

"Graa!" I groaned, falling to my knees.

"Now let's begin before you pledge your allegiance. I need to know you are useful." She says, surrounding me.

Lifting me up, they took off my cuffs.

Using the chair's metal straps, they restrain me from the chair.

They put a leather strap over my mouth.

They also restrain my neck as well.

A short man with glasses brings in a shot. Thorne walks in behind him.

She pointed her finger at my left eye.

"This one?" She asks.

"Yes", the man says.

Thorne's fingertip hovers over my left eye.

Her fingertip lights up.


I screech in pain from the burning sensation in my left eye.

My screams are muffled by the leather strap.

I squirm but it's hopeless, the restraints are too tight.

"Don't move, you will make it worse," said Thorne.

She grins, as I look at her from my right eye.

"You belong to me now, I'm carving a vow that will be complete once you agree to my terms." Thorne says as she giggles.

The pain flashes throughout my brain as my left eye continues to throb.

I cannot see anything from that eye.

She stops as she takes a step back.

"Perfect, begin the procedure. I'll initiate the Ark once the procedure is successful as usual," Thorne said as her footsteps echoed outside of the room.

I stared at the ceiling with my right eye.

Helplessly trying to ignore the pain.

"Sorry this will hurt you," the scientist says as he injects me with something.

I feel it surging through my body.

It begins ripping me apart.


I hear the door shut, as lights flicker.

Falling into the abyss more.

"You are here sooner than expected, you must be dying."

The little girl's voice through pure darkness.

"I told you, Nathan, this was the end for you."

A giant black beast's claw reaches out into the darkness.

Pulling me into the light.

"This is where you die."

The beast tries to crush my neck.

Struggling with my arms, the beast snarls, crushing my neck further.

My arms grow as I raise my hand towards the beast's forearms.

Twisting it, my claws clench onto his flesh, tearing it slowly.

I snarl as he releases his grip slowly.

"What are you?"

The beast asks, trying to back up.

Pulling him closer, I shoved my claw inside his stomach.

I use the momentum to pick him up and slam him on one of the sharp sticks.

He squirms in pain and whimpers, reaching out towards me.

Gripping the end of his neck, I pull back while his head flies.

I roar as the illusion fades like ash.