That Strange Lightning Bee

The leader felt his head buzz.

Although this was only a puppet, all kinds of pain would still be reflected on his main body. However, the pain would be weakened.

If the puppet died, the pain would also be very intense, comparable to the pain of childbirth.

This was also a small flaw of the Puppet Manipulation Technique.

The leader's eyes widened in disbelief. "You… you're a Seventh Realm martial artist?!"

Xu Xuan, Lu Luo, and Wen Xiong also turned around and stared at Shield Ghost in shock.

However, before they could speak, Flame Explosion was the first to shout.

"Shield Ghost! You also advanced to the Seventh Realm?! You actually didn't tell me! I thought we were close brothers!"

All along, Lin Xuan had deliberately made Flame Explosion's personality calm and steady.

However, this time, his tone was already slightly angry and questioning.

He seemed to be really angry.