Legendary Dark Gold Grade Skill

Chu Pengcheng ate two mouthfuls of food and said with a smile, "By the way, according to the plan, more Seventh Realm martial artists should be rushing over from the nearby cities one after another. The initial estimate is that there are about twenty people that will be arriving. They're all the directors and deputy directors of the various divisions."

"They're all here to investigate the Falling Thunder Mountain?" Lin Xuan was very surprised.

With so many Seventh Realm martial artists coming, those Construction Division would probably be very unguarded, right?

What if other organizations like High Heaven Plains and India secretly crossed the border and did something? Wouldn't they suffer a huge loss?

Ye Yuqiu could hear the doubt in his voice. "Many of our level nine Sixth Realm martial artists claim that their strength is not at level nine Sixth Realm. In fact, they can advance to the Seventh Realm at any time."