Ambush Mission, Poison Blade's New Identity

Lin Xuan took out the mask from the forging table and looked at it carefully.

The texture of this mask was neither metal nor skin.

If he kneaded it with force, it would become hard.

If he touched it gently, it would soften again.

At this moment, the mask revealed the face of an unfamiliar woman.

"This equipment is called [Pink Woman's Skin]. It's a dark gold equipment. Its effect is to disguise information, change one's appearance, and change one's voice to a small extent. It can only be equipped by women. If a martial artist doesn't have a dark gold grade, level one Eighth Realm Observer skill, he won't be able to see through it."

"What is Lu Luo planning to do?"

Lin Xuan was somewhat surprised.

If this thing was used well, it would definitely be very useful.

It would also be very effective if it was used to infiltrate the enemy's rear.

Two days later, Lin Xuan delivered the goods to Lu Luo in the canteen.