Leaving Little Spirit Mountain and Going to the Coast

After watching Old Wu leave, Poison Blade closed the door.

Lin Xuan entered his consciousness space and placed the Shadow Ring, Shadow Dragon Scale, and Shadow Pearl into the synthesis table.

Ten minutes later, a new black cloak was produced.


Name: Shadow Cloak

Level: Level Three Seventh Realm

Grade: Legendary Dark Gold

Effect 1: Agility+9%.

Effect 2: Evasion rate+30%, presence -60%.

Effect 3: When traveling inside the shadows, your presence will decrease by 100%, and your critical hit chance will increase by 70%. Your health recovery speed and magic power recovery speed will increase by 60%.


The Shadow Cloak was similar to the Shadow Ring.

However, the effects of all aspects had increased greatly.

Especially for the critical hit chance enhancement.

It was extremely ferocious.