Chapter 183 saw the origin of the secret realm, Dragon City Purge 3

“I’ll take one too. I’ve never eaten a sparking dragon egg before. I wonder what it tastes like.”Bai Xinghe took one as well.

Lin Xuan pretended to choose from the dragon eggs and took one as well. “I won’t roast it. Maybe I can hatch a decent sparking dragon.”

Since he was giving it to them to eat, it shouldn’t be a problem for him to take the unique dragon egg.

Lin Xuan was even a little glad that he liked to use [ advanced observation ] to look around whenever he was free.

Just now, he subconsciously threw a [ advanced observation ] at the six dragon eggs.

The first five were all normal. They were just ordinary sparking dragon eggs with average aptitude.

Only this dragon egg was extraordinary!


Name: Sparks Flying Dragon Egg

Level: Level 7, Level 1

Quality: seven-colored immortal

Effect: hatches a Spark Flying Dragon Cub. Currently, the hatching progress is 26.44% . Soaking it in a liquid with the fire attribute can speed up the hatching progress.