Chapter 183 saw the origin of the secret realm, Dragon City Purge 4

Lin Xuan said,”... When you guys say that, it makes me feel like my whole body is covered in flags.”

“Don’t worry, there’s no problem. Everything will be fine.”Xiang Tianxiu did not care at all.

After an hour of marching, the construction division officials arrived at the central area of Dragon City.

Under the leadership of the head commander, this area had been divided into garrison areas.

Moreover, there were also some martial artists who had the -LSB- cooking ] skiTheythey had already set up a big pot and were cooking delicious food.

The fragrance of meat and rice, wrapped in the bloody wind, slowly drifted over, attracting the greed of many people.

These few days, they had been eating dry food. They rarely had the time to sit down and cook by themselves.

Now that there was steaming hot food beside them, no matter who it was, they were all overjoyed.

“Logistics warriors, go to the big kitchen to get the food,”Li Weiguo said loudly.