Chapter 230 Dark Demon darkseer, completing level 9 promotion Mission 2

In the hundreds of worlds that the Dark Ones had conquered, the throats and hearts of humanoid creatures had always been their weaknesses.

Dark Demon Darkseer had fought in many worlds with his twin brother darkseer, which he was very familiar with.

He had hit his target.

But he had also failed.

Because the opponent’s throat and heart weren’t vital points right now.

Standing in front of the Dark Demon wasn’t the pure human ye Yuqiu, but the combination of an ice race and a human.

When Ye Yuqiu was in the lead, she was a human.

When Skaya was in the lead, she was an ice race member.

And an ice race member had no vital points.

Because Skaya didn’t have an innate soul, she rarely fought outside, but she had learned many battle techniques.

One of them was her battle techniques with the Dark Demon.

Her entire body was elementalized. As she dodged the Dark Demon’s attack, Frost rapidly gathered from all directions, freezing the dark demon’s black thorns in the blink of an eye.