Chapter 231 the Great Dao Talisman Killing Darhk, Battle Court’s major discovery 1

The death of the new pope of the Knights of Truth, and the appearance of a figure shrouded in holy light, shocked everyone present.

Ji Ruyue was somewhat on guard, but she did not expect the other party to be so strong.

Lin Xuan immediately looked at Amund’s information.


Name: Amund

Level: tier 10, Level 4

Race: Holy Spirit clan

Class: Holy Light Prayer

Skills: light element affinity (seven-colored immortality) , light element transformation, light healing, holy light giant hammer..

Equipment: none


“Tier 10, Level 4...”

Lin Xuan’s expression darkened.

Now that three tier 10 players had surrounded Ji Ruyue, would ji Ruyue be able to withstand them?

It wasn’t just him. The others, such as the Grand Marshal, Wan youxi, and Lu Pinghai, all had the same thoughts in their minds.

A battle at Ji Ruyue’s level was not something they could participate in.

They were clearly at a huge disadvantage.

At this moment, Atlas’voice sounded in the head of the Grand Marshal.