Chapter 99 - Making an impression

Though reluctant and they felt aggrieved, there was nothing more the two of them could do. As such, with a disgruntled expression, and amidst a loud series of huff and puffs, the school's self-crowned 'Prince' and his faithful 'servant', Tommy had turned around and quickly fled after the rest of the team they had brought along finally putting an end to the small verbal skirmish that would have undoubtedly turned rather physical in just a couple more minutes if left unattended.

What Jonathan at the time hadn't realized until much, much later was that this quick action of his had not saved the new guy but rather, had saved the lives of the arrogant and pompous bastard of the Evans family and his attaché. These little greenhorned human brats had absolutely no idea of the ancient beast they were poking at so carelessly.