Chapter 100 - PE

Over the muddled Jake stood a somewhat muscular looking figure. Bolstering short, bristly black hair, dark blue pair of eyes and baggy pants as well as an obnoxious grey hoodie plastered with some not-so-pleasant pleasant words.

"Aren't you a little too old for this Kevin? You are already in your senior year!" With some clear annoyance in his voice, Jake tried to pick himself up from the ground, only to be vigorously pushed back down, causing him to almost hit his head on the floor.

With a shit-eating grin visible all over his face, Kevin intimidatingly stood over Jake's lying figure before faring the approaching Aziel a glance. "Heh, here comes your precious little boyfriend to save you, worm!"

As Aziel approached the scene, he entered a staredown with the uninvited guest before brushing past him a couple of seconds later to tend to his friends.

Aziel helped both of them off the floor and patted down the dirt on their bags ignoring the growling gorilla to his side.