Chapter 121 - The glass tower

Stepping out of the vehicle, Aziel stood frozen at the marvel of human ingenuity. A humongous glass tower, reaching all the way to the sky. In fact, standing in front of it, he felt so infinitesimally small, like never before.

From where he was standing, he had to squint his eyes and focus to even see the top floors of the colossal structure.

Lord Kawaso, standing by his side on the pavement, looked at the young man with a delighted expression. He enjoyed how his young protegé was lost in something that actually felt like nothing to him. To him, this was just merely a means to an end.

Yet, it was still the pride of not just his but the entire family's hard work. This towering glass tower was like a singular ray of light that pierced through the thick, dark clouds and brought forth the first glimmers of hope in the endless pits of despair.

It was their achievement, their legacy they would leave behind. Their stable base, their source of power, their wealth... their prestige.