Chapter 122 - Ignorance

As they slowly made their way towards the entrance, from the two guards protecting in the front, one tall man suddenly stepped forward and blocked their way.

Standing around 180 cm tall, a burly and broad-shouldered man stood in front of the two blocking their way to pass forward. His round, brown eyes stared at the pair coldly, his slightly puffy lips were pulled into a straight narrow line under his large nose and square-shaped face.

He has closely shaved, dark brown hair, his chin was covered behind a thin stubble.

Besides his partner, a similarly built, but dark-skinned slightly older, and more wizened-looking bald man could speak up and inform this eager recruit, he had already stepped forward to block the way.

"Halt! This building beyond me is private property! Entry is prohibited unless you have an official appointment! Present your papers or scram!" He hollered arrogantly, instantly clenching his hands into two balls of fists.