New Life Chp 2

#Albion Bowerstone Castle#

#Shaun POV#

I wake up in a really comfy bed although it is a bit cold probably due to the fireplace in the room being out and the room being massive and snowing outside.

I look around and notice something moving or rather breathing.

The hero's dog is still a pup as I see him breathing softly but he seems to be very tired due to his labored breathing and I see that he is a Border Collie.

As I look around the room I can't see very well since I still can't actually see much since the room is still pretty dark but right now I have to see if TOAA made it how I wanted it.

("Status") I said in mind and then

(System startup complete) I heard in my mind as a screen appeared in front of me showing me my information.

[Name: Shaun Merek

Health 50/50

MP 50/50{Sealed}

Level: 1

EXP: 0/100

Race: Hero(Fable)


Str 5

Vit 5

End 5

Dex 5

Int 5

Wis 5

Luck 10

Mp regen = Wis x 5 per minute

MP = Int x 10

Hp= End x 10


Perks:{Gamer Body And Mind}]

(Hero, I should be a Kryptonian what is going on and what's wrong with my luck its higher than the rest) I thought then I heard a chime like a small bell ringing

[Gift Pack Received]

I notice an envelop icon flashing that wasn't there before

I press it and see my gifts

[Unbound Kryptonian Magi Race added{Fusion with Hero race from Fable Available}

Note: Due to the current Multiverse not being capable of handling the power of the race it will be limited. So the host will have to rank up by absorbing enough solar energy at the max rank you will have enough to use your powers forever though you still need the energy to power them. You can prestige it after you reach ranks 6 and it will make your Kryptonian powers ten times stronger.

You can only prestige once

Memories of the current body and corresponding skills will be added after you close this tab

ID Create

ID Destroy

Basic Weapon of choice]

I close it and receive my rewards and see just how nerfed I am

[Does the host want to fuse the two races Y/N]

"Yes," I said

In a moment, I could feel my body heat up slightly making me comfortable in the cold room. I could feel my insides moving around. Thankfully, there was no pain just felt weird the whole time.

[Fusion complete new race: Kryptonian Hero Magi

Appropriate Skills and Perks are being given

New race bonuses:

Triples Mp multiplier and regen

Triples Hp Multiplier and regen

Gives you access to Kryptonian magic

You can imbue Mp skills with SE doubling their power or effects

Kryptonian Power Set Rank 1 of 6

{Upgradable} SE/Solar Energy = 0/100,000 {Current absorption rate from where you are in an environment similar to Earth is 3 per ten minutes while in contact with Solar energy in a desert you may get more. Each SE point is equal to two minutes of using your Kryptonian powers to their full extent without access to a source of solar energy but when in contact with it you don't accumulate until you stop using them or go high enough by flying out closer to the nearest yellow star, it ranks up when the host reaches the current max.}

SE can be upgraded with store credits to absorb different forms of energy for example the energy of the green lantern rings.

Skills obtained:

Heat Vision

Allows you to shoot focused beams of energy from your eyes and when you have enough solar energy you may even reach temperatures hotter than the sun or focus it enough to perform surgery with it. There may even be other ways to use it.

Sub skills: 3 are Unknown

Frost and Super Breath

Super Breath: This allows you to unleash winds powerful enough to break down mountains with enough SE.

Frost Breath: This allows you to freeze objects or beings in ice and can even be powerful enough to make glaciers

SE Super Strength

Rank 1/6

(Upgraded when sufficient SE is reached){Toggleble by thought}

Gives you incredible strength to perform unimaginable feats of strength through absorbing energy.

SE Super Speed

Rank 1/6

(Upgraded when sufficient SE is reached){Toggleble by thought}

Gives you incredible speed to perform unimaginable feats of speed through absorbing energy.

SE Senses

Increases your senses to incredible levels.

Example: Smell, Sight, or sound

Allows you to match your perception with your speed should you have it active

SE Tactile Telekinesis

Rank 1/6

Gives telekinetic powers while you may have limits, it is up to the host to find them.

Sub Skill of SE Tactile Telekinesis

Bio-electric aura

It provides a skin-tight invisible barrier for your body providing even more resistance to physical damage as well as some protection against harmful radiation or energy attacks.

While the common Kryptonian does not gain any resistance to magic but you do thanks to being a Kryptonian Hero Magi.

Provides 50% damage resistance towards {novice} level spells or weapons

Provides 25% damage resistance towards {apprentice} level spells or weapons

Provides 10% damage resistance towards {adept} level spells or weapons

Damage resistance will increase when you rank up

When this isn't enough the attack will also have to go through your SE Durability skill

Passives gained

SE Durability

Rank 1/6

Allows you to withstand incredible amounts of physical damage and gives you immunity to poison up to adept rank poisons which will only do half damage and last half as long.

Rank up SE to upgrade this further

SE Super Ventriloquism

Rank 1/6

When wearing a disguise or wanting to be incognito, people will struggle to remember how you look like and what you were wearing unless it is too eye-catching.

Allows you to change your tone of voice without hurting your vocal cords and even use someone else's voice.

SE and Mp Conversion

Allows you to turn your Mp into SE at a rate of 30:1 but the opposite also applies where instead it is SE to Mp at a rate of 1:30

Cannot be further upgraded

Unique Passives

Natural Instinct

Due to you being unbound from the progenitor of the Kryptonian race you gain everything that the race lost due to Rao making them weaker.

Gives you an instinctual knowledge of how to use your Kryptonian powers

Gives you access to the all-natural Kryptonian magic instead of just one

You are not xenophobic although this won't affect you if you already are.

Your potential is no longer limited, you can grow indefinitely.

Fire Magi:

They are Fire Manipulators, they can Heal others and they can restore a Kryptonian's powers and abilities and possibly break a magic spell. (Fire Manipulation)

Empowers your healing spells making them 10% more effective and they last 10% longer if it is an overtime spell(Stackable)

You have an easier time creating and manipulating fire decrease fire spells cost by 10% and the same bonus applies to the damage and damage over time

If a Kryptonian is being affected by Kryptonite poisoning you can heal them and if they encounter a situation where they begin losing their powers permanently due to excessive solar flares you can restore their powers.

You are unaffected to permanent power loss due to excessive solar flares

Water Magi

They are Water Manipulators, they can also control all three states of water. They have the ability to possess, mind control, and place others under a form of temporal stasis, and essences transfer, also has the potential to Heal others. (Water Manipulation and Cryokinesis)

You have an easier time creating and manipulating water, decrease water and ice spells cost by 10% and the same bonus applies to the damage and damage over time

Enhances your telekinetic powers by 10% (Not Stackable as it is counted after every other bonus)

When you get access to temporal magic at rank 3 of the Kryptonian powers you will learn it 15% faster and the cost decreases by 10% percent and if you figure out how to do damage it will increase the damage by 10% and also applies to damage over time.

Air Magi:

They are Air Manipulators, they have the ability to purify the possessed and heal others and Creation. Air Manipulation

You have an easier time creating and manipulating air decrease air spells cost by 10% and the same bonus applies to the damage and also applies to damage overtime

Empowers your healing spells making them 10% more effective and they last 10% longer if it is an overtime spell(Stackable)

Gives you access to creation magic at rank 3

(Warning creating from nothing can kill you depending on what you are making if the Mp cost is too high)

Earth Magi:

Krypton doesn't have a sign for Earth instead they use a crystal to represent their version of it. They are earth or crystal Manipulators, they can grow Sunstones from their bodies or turn their bodies into Sunstones at a great expense of magical energy.

They are immune to possession and have a higher resistance to magical attacks and resistance to kryptonite. They can heal themselves and make basic weapons like Crystal shields, swords, blades; and armor. Earth magi can see through lead. Crystal Generation

You have an easier time creating and manipulating Earth or crystal decrease Earth or crystal spells cost by 10% and the same bonus applies to the damage and also applies to damage overtime

You can grow sunstone crystals from your body to form weapons or armor.

Empowers your healing spells making them 10% more effective and they last 10% longer if it is an overtime spell(Stackable)

Allows you to bypass lead with X-ray vision

Gives 10% resistance to magical attacks.

SE Self-Sustenance

Each point of SE can sustain your needs for 5 days each with the perfect nutritional value

SE Immortality

Every point of SE is equal to 5 days worth of life force

Heroic Soul

You have an easier time learning how to fight with your fists or weapons

Increases armed melee and ranged fighting experience XP gain by 15%

In case of a fatal injury, you will pass out, a protective layer of magic will appear and protect you until you wake up though an extremely powerful attack may break it.

Barrier defense = Mp X 10

Barrier regen = Wis X 20

Cooldown time: Three days

Warning this cannot: be upgraded]

"Holy sh#t," I whispered after reading it all and I have a slight headache after reading through all of that which quickly went away.

I noticed that my stats changed a lot as well but something that caught my eye is that the Kryptonian Skills are ranked which I am going to be assuming that I just need enough solar energy to rank them up.

I look outside and noticed that the sun still hasn't come up yet. I look at the night sky when suddenly memories start appearing in my mind but the process is over just as quickly as it came.

I go over them and see a lot of memories with logan who looks really young at this point in time since he hasn't gone on the expedition to Aurora just yet.

"I knew there wouldn't be any pain involved but it is still disorienting," I said to myself and go over the memories which seem a lot clearer, and go over the memories with Walter telling me stories of my "father" and something doesn't seem right about it.

Walter told me that my father was the most powerful hero that ever lived.

I asked him how he died and he told me they found him one day dead in his study with a part of the castle broken which his study was in shambles with his study being gone. He told me that they only recognize him from the weapons that he had and he was clutching some red cloth.

I have no idea why he told an 8-year-old when I realized that the customs here are different than my old world.

I shake my head and just go over them and see what I need to do and see anything of use and see the many hours of being measured to have clothes made and it made me realize that this is a new life and the panic finally hit me.

I started panicking but the gamer's mind did its job of not letting it affect me but I was still panicked and began hyperventilating and realizing just what I wished for and what awaits me later on.

I got a hold of myself after a few minutes as my new memories settled in and I realized something. This is a new chance and although I don't have a new "mother", she passed away due to an illness when I was two years old in this new life. My "dad" was probably murdered by someone who I am going to guess is Jack o Blades or someone else.

I slap myself on the cheeks and just stared outside the window since I have never really seen snow in my last life.

"This is my life now, best make the of it," I said to myself while trying to figure out how to even begin.

I lean back on the bed when I finally notice something.

I touch my legs and to my surprise, I can feel them.

I begin to cry a bit as I move to the side of the bed in order to stand up and walk for the first time.

As I have new memories of being able to walk but after my previous life, I get a whole new appreciation for my legs.

Walking around is weird as I can finally stand up.

I walk towards the window and open it slightly and once it opens I feel a breeze that seems to go away once I notice it. I look outside notice something far in the distance that I couldn't before.

The Spire


I wake up as the rays of the sun hit my body.

I feel energized as if I just had an espresso mixed with 5-hour energy.

I lean up from the bed as I notice a ball of fur coming towards me as it jumps on top of me or tries to as it misses and hits the bed instead.

I let out a small laugh as I grab him and bring him close to me as memories play out in my mind as they seem to have finally merged but I am still me just with more memories.

He begins to lick me as we play around for a bit as the door opens and Jasper who looks younger than in the game comes in.

"Ah, sir you are awake already," He said in a bland voice but the amusement in his gave it away.

He goes over to some really nice-looking drawers and I remember again that a lot of power tools don't exist here yet.

(It was made by hand) I realized but shook my head slightly at that to focus

(Being a kid again is going to be annoying isn't it) I thought to myself as I got up from the bed and moved my dog out of the way and got ready for the day as I know that I will be attending lunch with Logan, my new brother.

After, a few minutes I am ready for the day.

"Thank you, Jasper I don't know where I would be without you," I told him as he taught etiquette which I am sure I will find some use for in the future. He basically taught me much of what I know in this life.

"Again sir it is my duty no need to thank me," he said as I turn to look at him and saw him with a small smile on his face.

"I know," I responded

I opened the doors to my room and began walking around in the gardens since lunch isn't ready yet and I could feel the sun making me stronger than before.

I stopped by to look at Bowerstone from the garden view and thanks to my new powers I could see it closer.

While people are poor they look genuinely happy even though they struggle.

Logan still hasn't become a tyrant which I will make sure he never does.

He goes on expeditions for a few months and Sir Walter is the biggest authority just below me in position and he keeps things steady when Logan goes on his expeditions.

I do have some authority since I am the prince my orders are more important than Walter's

I have a lot to learn now which I am excited to learn more about many things that I couldn't before.

I do realize just what I did exactly.

I am the enemy of many powerful beings in the omniverse even if they have no idea who I am.

Darkseid, Thanos, Perpetua, The Anti-Monitor, Nekron, Crawler, Jack o Blades, and many more out there are now my enemies and I am so far below them right now that they could just simply look at me and I would be dead.

I look at my store and see the limitation required for me to buy other things from different multiverses. Which is just one, I need to reach level 100 in order to unlock items from other multiverses. But, I can bypass the level cap if I reach another multiverse beforehand which will unlock just that multiverse's items for purchase.

Swords, guns, and equipment from the Fableverse are available for purchase even items not even in the games.

I can even buy Avo's tear or the sword of Aeons but they cost twenty thousand store credits each. The health potions but the XP potions from Fable 2 don't really give me any experience but they are just XP boosters with a time limit, and even if I take only one that is the weakest version of it I can't use any more for a month even if I drink the best one available in the store.

The slow time potion doesn't slow down time, just affects my perception. The summon creatures potion is limited to once per week. Thankfully, the health and Mp potions have a thirty-second cooldown for each. There is even the genderbending potion from Fable 2.

But that's it for potions which makes me pretty annoyed since I was hoping for the potions to be in percentages but no they are points instead. The strongest one is definitely the resurrection vial which is used automatically when my Hp drops to zero. The phial of life potion is more complicated as it gives a +50 hp permanent Hp once in my life and it costs 5000 store credits.

Something that I am getting as soon as I can. I may be able to use it once but I can probably give it to other people as well since there is no limit to the number of items I can buy.

Common materials like iron, copper, or steel are also available for purchase and when I get to the Marvel or DC multiverses I am going to be able to buy their special metals like Uru or nth metal.

I then look at the Gacha section of the store.

This doesn't have any limitations as to what it can have but one modification that I wanted and received is that the higher my luck gets it definitely lowers my chances of getting something bad and increases the good by a decent amount. I can get weapons, armor, miscellaneous items, and even skills, masteries, and perks from it.

I know that this is how luck with the gamer works but being assured that it would definitely do that makes me glad I can confirm it.

The last one which is the ID create and Destroy is the same as the others except I need to clear it ten times before I can get a higher level dungeon which is fine by me. I can get credits, the common currency of the universe I am in, and other various drops related to it.

I look at my stats screen again

[Name: Shaun Merek

Health 450/450

MP 450/450{Sealed}

Solar Energy(SE) 9/100,000

Level: 1

EXP: 0/100

Race: Kryptonian Hero Magi(Fable)


Str 15

Vit 15

End 15

Dex 15

Int 15

Wis 15

Luck 30

Stat Points:0

Mp regen = Wis x 5 = 75 Mp per minute x 3 = 225 Mp per minute(Due to race bonus)

Hp regen = Vit x 5 =75 Hp per minute x 3 = 225 Hp per minute

MP = Int x 30

Hp= End x 30

Skills: {Heat Vision}{Super Breath}{Super Vision}{Super Ventriluiquism}{SE senses}{SE super strenght}{SE super speed}{SE super Durability}{SE and Mp Conversion}

Perks/Passives:{Gamer Body And Mind}{Natural Instinct}{Fire Magi}{Water Magi}{Air Magi}{Earth/Crystal Magi}{Heroic Soul}{SE self sustanance}{SE Immortality}]

All of my stat multiplied by three times since Kryptonians are naturally stronger, faster, and more intelligent than humans without a yellow sun involved. Although, I don't see any SE skill or passive in the SE section though.

I see a tab begin to blink and I tap it.

I sigh as I realize it's for me to get my third wish should I want to use it.

(I am OP already at level one) I look towards the sun and see that it's almost time for lunch after I meet my "brother" I will practice my powers and see what I can do.

(N/A: sorry for the late update some things came up. I am going to be updating Mondays and Thursdays)