Family And Power Testing Chp 3

#Albion Bowerstone Castel#

#Shaun Pov#

My powers are rather easy to use but hard to keep control of. I tried to test out my hearing and I nearly passed out as I could hear every single snowflake falling on the ground and a bunch of other things happening at the same time. I shut off my hearing as it got too painful.

When I try to use my strength it changes my str stat by multiplying by ten, same with my dex stat. This is insane since it is just rank one in fact when I do reach the next rank the multiplier will then be times fifty and after that 100 times.

(N/A: Ranks in order Rank 1=Superboy from Young Justice, Rank 2 = Superman from Young Justice, Rank 3= DEAU Superman, Rank 4 = Smallville Superman, rank 5 = Superboy-Prime, Rank 6 = Superman Prime One Million )

I am now understanding why I have to rank it up instead of just giving me access to the full power. I could break this multiverse into pieces if am not careful.

The guards open the doors to the dining hall where Logan is already sitting with clothes to keep him warm during the winter. He looks a lot younger than in the games he is currently 24 years old. He also does not have a scar on his lip yet so he may get that from the Crawler in the near future. He seems to be deep in thought as he doesn't notice me until I cough lightly to get his attention.

"Brother, still among the living," He jokes but I can tell that he is worried about something

I tried to maybe get the {Observe} skill but I don't have the ability to get it and use it yet due to my magic being sealed.

"Yes, yes I am still alive, but tell me what troubles you?" I asked him which made him look surprised but he just sighed loudly

"There is a food shortage again in the Mistpeak valley region, the food that we sent is either stolen by bandits or it rots before it gets there and the hunters that were hired are being attacked by bandits and the snow doesn't make it any easier for them to hunt food for others I am trying to come up with a way to help them but I cannot think of anything," He responded while prodding at the food.

I was surprised for a bit at how open he is with this issue but memories go to the surface of my mind as I remember that Logan and I are really close right now and even though Logan is a good king in my opinion he doubts himself for every decision that he does.

I shake my head slightly while trying to get both sets of memories together.

(This is going to take a while isn't it) I think to myself but then I remember all the types of food available and I wonder why and how they haven't discovered their uses yet.

From what I know is that they are struggling with trying to find other food choices that are easy to plant and grow. Potatoes are being used to feed animals since they think that it is too bland for their taste. Corn which was basically used for everything in my past life is only used to make oil and it's not even being used properly.

Other sources of nutritional food that are beneficial to eat are unknown. Heck, they even have rice but they don't even eat it instead they use it to clean up really big spills and then they burn it, which made me want to facepalm at their stupidity. But then I remember a very crucial detail in this world.

The population is only in the low millions right now after the mandatory check-in in order to count the population, around 5 million at this point. My mind drifts off to my studies of the creatures in this world and I am amazed that they even managed to survive at all. Balvarines are werewolves on steroids literally since they are stronger and faster than normal werewolves which also exist here but Balvarines are an advanced form of them. Necromancers, Vampires, Hobbs, goblins, trolls, Banshees, dragons, giants, you name it and it probably exists. Even sea monsters exist and some of them can even use their own unique form of magic.

This isn't a game where there is a limited amount of enemies the developers can put in but an actual real world where anything can happen. Most people don't even know how to fight a goblin which is supposed to be the weakest monster of them all.

No wonder they struggle I think back to when I saw the war table at Logan's office and thanks to my new Kryptonian brain I remember that they are losing a lot of land per day.

That is why Bloodstone was considered lost as we lost communications with them a long time ago which was detrimental since my father helped make it into a huge port for the kingdom which was later renamed Bloodstone Port after he helped change part of the swamp in order for it to become part of the kingdom properly.

After, my father passed away Albion has been losing a lot of land to monsters that they gained. They are trying more on killing these creatures instead of finding ways to grow food.

"Logan what if you focus more on the military aspect of it and leave me in charge of any issues related to food," I told him bluntly since I can tell how much this is tiring this is for him up with him trying to keep the kingdom together as best he can.

"I am not so sure..." he began but I cut him off

"Look we know that you still have to deal with the situation in Morningwood with the Hollow Men hordes rising from the grave, alongside dealing with some of Turner's supporters still running around," I said which made him get an angry glint in his eyes as he remembers the assassination attempt not on his life but mine. Thankfully, Walter was keeping watch of me since there was an explosion close to the castle which was a distraction in order to get to me.

"Very well, I will leave you in charge of these matters but if a situation occurs that you cannot handle happens and you don't tell me there will be consequences," he said as I was happy that I can help in some way when I heard a ping in my mind and I saw a quest appearing as time slowed down.

[Special Chain Quest Received: Food Forevermore

You have convinced Logan to let you deal with the issues with food shortages so he can deal with other matters

Quest Objectives:

Make at least 5 five types of nutritional food from your previous world, known in Albion

Help farmers learn how to grow these types of food

Establish your own stable food supply to sell

Make at least 500,000 gold profit by selling the food

Reward: Gain a permanent 10 bonus to reputation with Albion due to you teaching them how to grow new produce. 2000XP, 1500 Store Credits, the people of Albion will be healthy and strong maybe enough to face the threat of the Crawler that you and Aurora know about.

Failure: Canon stays mostly the same

Accept Y/N]

I accept it without a second thought

I am going to mess with canon as much as I can that is for sure.

"All right Logan afterward, tell me all of the details that you can after we eat," I told him as he sighed a bit and we ate our food.