Fusion Pill.

Shi Lang stood beside the old lady, who watched the young lady standing in a daze. She looked at Shi Lang and asked, "Did she just condense sword energy?" 

Shi Lang nodded and replied, "She trusted her weapon and condensed sword energy. She is now a sword master." 

The old lady took a deep breath and said, "Thank you." 

She was not a fool, and understood that it was because of Shi Lang that the young girl was able to comprehend this. The Terran shook his head and replied, "Her talent with the sword is strong, she has a sword soul. If she persists, she will become a sword fairy in the future. However, if you do not mind me asking, can I ask you something, Senior?" 

The old lady nodded and Shi Lang asked, "Her energy seems to be very chaotic. As if the spiritual flow is protesting against itself. Why so?"