Up to Mount Moon

"So Hu Tao, I transferred the Pokemon Eggs along with items needed to incubate them along with feeding for physic types when they hatch,"

"There is some new information about them, but nothing you would need, make sure not to let get too cold or too hot, make sure not to shake around the eggs too much or else they won't develop and hatch, there is an estimated 2 months until they hatch, so take care of them until then."

I nod along as Professor Oak explains about the eggs I received this morning, both of them have Ponyta's and Hatenna's color scheme, I sort of expected that it would look like an in-game egg you would get when breeding, but this is a pleasant surprise.

"Yes Professor, I will take care of them,"

I answered as if I was doing him a favor, I don't know why I was doing that since they are both mines is a traded my own hard caught Pokemon for them.

I hung up the phone and went towards the main desk as I saw Nurse Joy with Charmander, Igglybuff, and the Pokemon Eggs.

"Thank You for coming, we hope to see you again!"

Nurse Joy said as I replied with a simple welcome, although I was creeped out of the saying, I ignored it and left towards Route 3 again.


I love Pokeball technology, the ability to essentially brainwash a Pokemon, but not technically brainwashing.

The reason most Pokemon don't instantly attack the trainer that caught them is due to the domestication it does to the Pokemon, essentially turning a wolf into a dog.

It mostly works on the first stage to middle stage Pokemon, hence why Iris' Dragonite didn't completely obey her.

So spending seven hours in a Pokeball as a baby Pokemon while also not being a baby was 'domesticated' without me actually doing any of the work, people of non-Pokemon earth would be, saddened, angered, disappointed in such a thing, but people of this world just don't care for such useless details.

People of this world are generally morally don't really care about items, their moral compass is more skewed towards Pokemon, so if someone steals a wallet when that person has Pokemon, then it is more likely they would take it as a fact of life and move on.

Igglybuff was currently sitting on my head just repeating disarming voice at random wild Pokemon while Charmander takes them out with ember when they attack, turns out it knew disarming voice when I checked it, so I had him practice it to make a foundation for hyper voice and echoed voice, I would have it practice singing, but I don't have much time to spend in Pewter City anymore, I have to quickly catch a Cefairy, take the pictures I need of Clefariy, Paras and Onix, get the badge, have Charmander learn flamethrower and fire spin, and master Iron Tail.

And then have Igglybuff learn to disable before evolving, as from Nurse Joy, Igglybuff is incredibly close to evolving, although I wouldn't know, the games say Igglybuff needs friendship to evolve, but I wouldn't know, I hadn't used Jigglypuff since gen 1, and then from gen 1, I thought Pontya needed firestone for my entire life until I looked up Ponyta's Pokedex and learned I was wrong.

It didn't take me too long to reach Mount Moon or walk through the first layer, the walls didn't have the lights, there weren't any signs of any kind, so I had Charmander walk in front of me with his tail, we did find a few dozen Zubats, but a quick sing from Igglybuff put them all to sleep, although I had to use my fire to keep myself awake with the pain.

We ended up seeing a Paras that stuck to Charmander like glue for some reason, it makes even less sense since it is four times weak to fire, maybe it's just suicidal, but I didn't want it whatsoever, so I had Igglybuff put it to sleep as we left it, it made for an easy picture.

After around an hour of walking, we traveled towards the peak of Mount Moon, as we walked, the light started to become more common, weird since the Peak is a complete area where anyone walks to get to Cerulean.

As I inspected the lights, they all had tiny bold red Rs, I instantly knew who was putting up these lights, although I knew it could be potentially dangerous, my curiosity outweighed my sense of danger as I chose to continue forward.

As I walked further, the tunnel opened up as I began to hear a sound, mainly scream and miserable 'Clefairy!' 'Clefable!' cries.

I don't know really, but I heard cries of other Pokemon, I heard much more painful cries and heartwrenching cries, to those that never tugged my heartstrings, but these cries seem to weigh on my very soul, on my very being, I palmed my chest as the impact set me calm, it's good I learned that action my aunt who also suffered from asthma in my last life.

With Charmander and Igglybuff in toe, I ran into the open room.

It was brightly lit, even more, lit than the corridors we walked through earlier, there was another hole on the opposite side of the room, while there were 3 different men in black uniforms with the letter R on their chest.