Chapter 7 The big decision


"Have you really thought this through?" Seon Hwa asks her son seriously.

"Nae omma, if I don't do this now, it's gonna be a lot worse in the future."

When the Kim's family is having breakfast this morning, Ji Hoon informed his family members that he is gonna enlist in the military. This news came as a shock to them especially his mom and sister. It's gonna be the first time Ji Hoon is gonna leave the family for a long period of time.

"He's gonna be fine, I did it when I was 18 too!" Dad tries to comfort mom but she just glares at him and pinches him on the side.

"Ehem, well it's still the military, so it's very dangerous. But you've always been a smart kid, so just follow he instructions and orders from the higher up, then you will 'probably' be fine."

"I know dad. Don't worry mom, it's just two years."

"I know but still..."

"Seon Hwa ah, we should respect our kids' decisions, and Ji Hoon still has lots of explaining to do to Soo Yeon."

The couple left Ji Hoon and Soo Yeon in the room.


"Soo Yeon ah, we should finish the album before I go."

"... Nae oppa!" Soo Yeon answers with a determined expression.


Two weeks later

Zenith releases their second album 'Next Chapter'. However, with it comes a shocking news, which is the announcement of Ji Hoon's military enlistment.

Most of the fans give their supports and respect his decisions, they also promise to wait for his return.

What about Ji Hoon? Right now he is in his room, replying all the messages he got from his close friends. Emmy in particular is furious about the news.

"Oh, so now I have to find out about you joining the army through the news? You didn't think to let me know before you make this decision? щ(`Д´щ;)"

Ever since coming back from LA two years ago, they text and call each other all the time, and they quickly became best friends.

"I was just gonna call you before you texted me... (o_o;;) Are you against me going?"

"I'm not, but that wasn't the point! (○`д´)ノ Urgh, what an idiot..."

"Erm... what?"

After that, Emmy stops replying him.

"Hmm, I definitely messed up something."

Questioning himself, Ji Hoon goes straight to bed, and before closing his eyes, he sends a goodnight text to Emmy.

"Sleep tight Ji Hoon~ (:˒[ ̄] "


The day has arrived. In front of xxx branch of military are Ji Hoon's family members and some of the trainees (came as representatives of the company), they are all here to see him off.

Right now, Ji Hoon is speaking to the eldest of the group, Cassie.

"Cassie, you are currently the eldest among the trainees and also the most experienced one, so you have to take care of them and guiding them as their unnie. I know you girls put in a lot of hard work into the practices and lessons everyday, keep this up, when I'm back, I will personally test if you girls are ready to debut. A little sneak peek, if you girls pass the test, you will debut as a girl group and I already have the list of members in my mind."

Surprised and happy at the same time, Cassie replied :"Leave it to me oppa! When you come back, we will show you the best version of ourselves!" All the other girls agree too.

Now it's Soo Yeon's turn.

"Soo Yeon ah, when I'm gone, take care of mom and dad, oh yeah and Snow too. You should try to pursue your solo career too. I trust you will hold down the fort until I'm back right?" Ji Hoon winks to her.

Soo Yeon didn't say anything and just step forward and hug her brother tightly, sharing a brief moment of siblings love.

Lastly, Ji Hoon looks toward his parents, just to see them giving him an acknowledging look. Ji Hoon gives them a thumbs up, then turn his head and walk towards the officer by the gate, he is the one that's gonna gives him the basic regulations.

Suddenly, a car stops nearby and Ji Hoon hears someone calling his name.

"Ji Hoon~! Wait~!" Emmy comes running towards him.

"Huff, huff... Not gonna leave without saying goodbye are you?"

"Surprised to see you here but you just made this whole situation awkward."

"Just shut up and give me a hug" Emmy opens her arm and they both hug each for a moment.

"You didn't come here just to see me off did you?"

"Of course not! I'm here on a vacation for two weeks, and Soo Yeon is going to be my tour guide."

"I'm sure you two will have lots of fun."



"Hey, text me when you have the chance okay?"

"I will. I should probably go now."

"I know, stay safe, see you..."

Giving Emmy a light pet on her head, Ji Hoon walks towards the officer who has been waiting patiently until now, after giving one last look to his friends and families, he disappears behind the gate.

"Ji Hoon ssi (something like Mr/Mrs), I'm a big fan of your sister, if you have the chance, please get me one of her autograph, I would be so grateful!"

"Of course, but what about mine?"

"That won't be necessary."



Meanwhile, Ji Hoon's parents

"Yeobo, don't you think it's kinda fishy between Ji Hoon and Emmy? It's just like..."

"Just like us when we were younger. Ah... the scent of youth is in the air~"
