Chapter 55 Soju rain

Next scene

"No wonder they picked a studio with such a big space and high ceiling, probably just to shoot this scene." Ji Hoon is chatting with Tae Rim before the shoot.

"Imagine how much work needed to be done to clean up the mess when the shoot is over."

"Let's do this in on try noona! Hmm? Why are you blushing?"

"Huh? Am I? *hic"

"...why are you drunk noona?"

"Weeell, I kinda drank real soju in our previous shoot too."

"...why would you do that? It's not like you have high tolerance to alcohol, look, you are even having hiccups."

"It's okay! This is just to make the commercial seems more realistic!"

Even hearing that, Ji Hoon still looks at her worriedly.

"Ji Hoon-ssi! Stop standing there and get to your position! We are starting!" The cameraman shouts at him.

"Yes sir!" Can't be help, he walks towards the spot marked with X on the ground, ocassionally sneaking glances at Tae Rim, just to receive a big bright smile from her.

"Don't worry!" She mouths those words to him.

"Ready, action!"

Hearing those words, both of them get straight into professional mode. The 'rain' starts pouring on them, they act as refreshing and cheerful as possible, Tae Rim even does some spin moves, like a ballet dancer.

Unfortunately, maybe because she gets ahead of herself, or maybe the floor is too slippery, she slips. As everything happened so suddenly, she can't even scream for help, she just closes her eyes and waits for her fate.

Just as she is about to touch the ground, Ji Hoon catches her wrists and pulls her into his embrace, just like a scene you see in a drama or movie.

"It... doesn't hurt?" Confused about the current situation, Tae Rim opens her eyes, and she sees a pair of worried eyes looking at her, that's the first time someone looked at her this way other than her father. At that moment, if this was an anime, you could see her eyes turned into heart symbols.

Ji Hoon's POV

"Why is this noona just staying in this position? Why is she not getting up? My hands are going numb..." He thought to himself.

Both of them are just staring at each other, as if the time has paused at this moment. The director was just about to stop the shoot, but something happened which made stop his action.

"Why is this noona looking at me like that? Why are her eyes looking so dreamy? Why is she blushing even more now?! But for some reason, her lips just look so inviting, just like a ripe fruit..."

Instinctively, Ji Hoon leans in and gives a small peck on her lips. When their lips connect for a second, he clearly felt her body trembles in his arms, but she didn't show any resistance, on the contrary, she pulls his head back for a deeper and more passionate kiss.

The kiss lasted for ten seconds, only then they seperated their lips.

"It tasted like love..." She licks her lips and said that seductively.

"CUTTTTT!!!" The director shouted.

As if finally waking up from their dream, both of them quickly seperated from each other, acting as if nothing has happened.

"Bravo! Magnificent! Brilliant!!! Did you two improvise all of this in such a short time?! That was perfect!"

"Erm... we were in the same drama recently, so I guess we have a very strong chemistry between us."

"Oh that's why...! It almost looked like you are a real couple! Alright, let's go, the only thing left to do now is to record the quotes, I will give both of you a bonus in payment for the wonderful improvisation just now, it is way better than what we had planned."

"Thank you so much..." x2


It took them just two minutes each to record the quotes, now they can go home anytime they want after changing their wet clothes.

"Ji Hoon ah, you go ahead and change your clothes, I'm gonna go talk to my manager for a while." Said Tae Rim.

"Nae noona."

Ji Hoon walks into the changing room and starts taking off his shirt.

"Phew... ever since I had sex with Emmy the other day, my self control has become worse and worse... luckily it was just a kiss, oh... two kisses, it's not like I've never done that with noona before."


Just when Ji Hoon is about to take of his pants and underwear, someone came into the room.

"Erm... who is it? Please wait just a sec, I'm still changing!" Panicked, Ji Hoon quickly pulls his pants back up.

*sound of door locking

The intruder locks the door, then turns her face towards him.

"Noona?! Why are you here? Why are you still wearing those wet clothes? You are gonna catch a cold at this rate! Wait, the problem here is I'm still changing! Mind giving me some privacy?!" The intruder is of course Kim Tae Rim.

"You were the one who seduced me first, so please take responsibility..." She just keeps walking closer and closer to him.


'Uwah... because of the water, noona's clothes are basically transparent, I can see everything, she is kinda sexy right now... wait, what am I thinking about right now?!' He tries to shake off the dirty thoughts.

"Noona, if you have anything to say, let's talk after we finish changing clothes okay?"

"I don't really have anything to say, there are a lot of things I wanna do to you though."

"Noona, I'm sure your manager is waiting for you outside, you shouldn't keep him waiting."

"No worries, I told him we are going for dinner together later, I already sent him away, same as your manager. We will be leaving via taxi later."

"Noona, you aren't thinking straight right now, you are still drunk!"

"Blame it all on alcohol then! Let's continue what you were doing before, you were taking off your pants right? Let me help you." She hastily grabs his pants and tries to pull them down.

"Noona! Stop this!" He grabs her shoulders and shouts at her.

"Why?! You were the one who kissed me first! Or do you think I'm just a cheap woman?!" Tears staring forming in her eyes.

"Noona... this is not the place to have this type of conversation, for now let's change back our clothes, then we will settle this at somewhere more private okay?"

"...fine, but you better not run away, I'll hunt you down if you do, and I will also spread news that you violated me on set." She wipes off her tears and walks out the room leaving that statement.

"Ugh... this is troublesome, why can't I control myself just a bit more just now?! Ji Hoon ah Ji Hoon... what have you done..." He scratches his head and thought to himself.


P.s Guys, I'm thinking of changing the title of the novel into something more relatable, I'm add a new book cover too.