Chapter 56 Queens' gathering (1)

"You said we are going to somewhere more private, but where are we actually?" Ji Hoon and Tae Rim get out of a taxi.

"My home." He answers her and proceeds to enter the elevator.

"Hey! Wait for me! Why are we here anyway? By somewhere private I thought it would be like a hotel or something."

"There is no place safer than my home in this world, we won't be disturbed by any outsider here." He opens the front door, and immeditely sees Emmy, Jee Eun, Tay, Brina and Kristy all gathered in the living room, looks like they are having one of their girls' night.

"Ugh... why does it have to be today, can't they have their girls' night some other time? They are totally gonna kill me for what I'm about to say to them, especially the trio (Emmy, Jee Eun and Tay)." He thought to himself.

"Oh! Oppa~ you are back! Come join us! Eh? Who is that behind you? Tae Rim sunbaenim?!

Annyeonghaseyo! Please come in!" Jee Eun quickly jumps up from her seat and welcomes both of them inside.

Emmy pulls Ji Hoon to the side and starts questioning him.

"Why did you bring her home?"

"I will explain everything later, it's about me and Tae Rim noona. Should we send Brina and Kristy next door? They are not in our private circle after all."

"You know, if they heard what you just said, it would break their hearts. It's just the matter of time they become one of us, so we don't have to exclude them from this."

"B-but... I can't imagine how things are gonna turn out if they stay here."

"Hmm... why don't we use this opportunity to comfirm all their feelings?"

"...this is either gonna be a very good day or the day I die."


The six ladies sit on the couch, while Ji Hoon sits on the floor, it's almost like he is being interrogated.

"Girls, apparently Ji Hoon and Tae Rim-ssi have something important to tell us, and it's about their relationship. Who's gonna go first?" The first queen Emmy speaks.

"Before we start, what are you girls' relationship with Ji Hoon except Emmy? I know you two are dating but the others... don't tell me...?!" Asked Tae Rim.

"Nae sunbaenim! We are all oppa's girlfriend!" Second queen Jee Eun said that with a smile.

"That's right that's right! The order goes Emmy, Jee Eun, me and then... hmm, I guess you two are in the same position right now." Third queen Tay looks at Kristy and Brina doubtfully.

"I'm actually not his girlfriend, so I don't know what I'm doing here." Kristy looks at Ji Hoon while grumbling.

"Erm... Ji Hoon and I are engaged I think?" Said Brina with cute look.

"Haa... This is all very complicated, and hard to take in. Is there anyone else?"

"As of right now, nope. But I'm pretty sure there will be more in the future."

"Okay, enough introductions, shouldn't you start speaking soon, Ji Hoon?"

'Seems like my plan to act invisible has failed...'

"Ehem! Long story short, (he proceeds to talk about what happened during the shoot in the afternoon)."

"So this time it's not like when you were shooting the drama, just trying to prevent hurting her? It's serious this time?"

"There are two possibilities in this. One, I fell in love with this noona over here. Two, I've lost all my self-control. Ever since I did it with Emmy, it seems like rather than thinking with my head, I start to think with my d-..."

"Honestly though, didn't we just do it yesterday? Aren't you satisfied yet?! I thought for sure I was able to calm you down for a bit. Speaking of which, Tay! I really need your help soon on this, I really can't handle him alone any longer, he is a beast!" Emmy points at Ji Hoon angrily.

"Oh? Mind explaning more in details?"

"You will know what I'm talking about once you experience IT yourself."

"I can help too!" Jee Eun raises her hand.

"No! You are too young!" x6 Everyone said that to her.

"Hng..." She pouts.

"Anyway, doesn't matter if you did it instinctively or purposely, you still did kiss her without her permission, what do you want to about it?"

"Wait! Before that, Tae Rim sunbaenim, please come with us, we have some questions for you too, let's talk inside." All the girls goes inside his room, leaving Ji Hoon alone in the living room.

" is this fair?! I thought we shouldn't keep secrets from each other regarding this topic?! How can they leave me behind?! Should I take a peek? Or should I try to eavesdrop? Ah, I'm really curious..." Ji Hoon tiptoes his way to the door, and lean close to it.

"Man... if anyone sees me right now, I totally look like a creep and pervert... I really shouldn't do this but maybe just a little...? Woah!!!"

Suddenly, the door opens from the inside, causing him to fall forward.

"What are you doing?" x6

"Ahahaha! I'm just going to the toilet, don't mind me! Hmm? Why is there water dropping on my head? Huh?!?!?! W-what are all of you doing?!?!?!" When he raises his face, he sees a sight that he will remember for eternity.

All the ladies are wearing his shirt, the problem is all of them are also drenched, needless to say, everything is once again, TRANSPARENT.

"W-wha...?! Excuse me!!!" Feeling something rising up in his pants, he rushes to the toilet immediately.

"So this is what he saw that caused him to go berserk, well, I guess I would've reacted the same way if I was in his position." Emmy looks around herself, even she felt a strange sensation, it's like she has unlocked something deep in her heart.

"Oppa once told me he thinks that its good when you can see everything, but when it's partially hidden, it's the best! Is this what he meant?" Jee Eun said that innocently.

"Why would he ever tell you something like this? And more importantly, why are you wearing this too?! You are still too young!!!"


"You just clicked your tongue didn't you?"

"Nope! It's your imagination unnie!"