Chapter 58 Complaint

The next morning, Ji Hoon is still deep in his sleep. Something crawl onto his bed and starts licking his face, he instinctively pushes it away, but it persistently comes back.

"What is this wet feeling on my face? Emmy or whoever it is, stop measing around..." He wipes his face and turns his body to the other side.


"Meow?" (Brain processing 30%)

Ji Hoon turns his body back and opens his eyes slightly, a cat is hitting his head with it's paw.




"Why are you here?"

"Meow~!" Snow jumps down the bed and gracefully walks out the room, as if telling him to follow her.

Filled with question, Ji Hoon puts on his clothes and follows her to the living room, once there, she jumps on the lap of the only person sitting on the couch, Jee Eun.

"Jee Eun? I thought you are staying overnight with the others?"

"Ah oppa, you woke up? Come join me, I bought some breakfast for you on my way back. All the unnies are planning on going for a small trip around the country for a few days, I can't join them because of my schedules. Hng..." ╥﹏╥

"You could've told me, I can adjust the schedule for you."

"It's okay, this way I get to spend some time alone with oppa as well~ and it's too late anyway, they already departed, manager oppa was the one who brought me home just now."

"As expected... wuli Jee Eun is the only one who cares about me! You couldn't left me here alone right?! Ah, my lap pillow~ this is heaven!" He pushes the cat away and takes the spot on her lap.

"Meow!" Snow objects by softly tapping his butt with her paws.

"Right right~" Jee Eun pats his head like a mother.

"By the way, why is Snow here?"

"Oh! Soo Yeon unnie is going to Jepen for a few years, she said she wants to try and form a new band there and produce some songs for animes. Also, she doesn't want to act personally, but she is interested in becoming a voice actor, she is also an anime lover just like us. Which is why she has decided to turn her focus there, she plans to set up a branch company of Pixie Entertainment there and starts recruiting the local actors and singers."

"And because of all those things above, she won't have time to take care of Snow anymore is what you are trying to say."

"Nae oppa! She originally wanted to leave Snow to your parents but, they are currently travelling around the world enjoying their retirement life, so..."

"I see, I don't think that's a problem unless anyone who lives here is afraid of cats or allergic to cat furs."

"I can comfirm none of us has those symptoms!"

"But this is really surprising, who would've thought that the always 'happy-go-lucky' sister of mine would choose this path, is she finally growing up after all these time?!"

"I think she just really loves anime that's all..." Jee Eun whispers to herself.


"By the way oppa, I think you might be in trouble."

"Hmm? Why so sudden?"

"You know we went to visit G0G's unnies too right? Let's just say they didn't look too happy every time your name was brought up, you could almost say they are angry."

"Har? I don't remember doing anything to them, why would they be mad about me?"

"I don't know, but they did want you to call them today. Good luck oppa~" (≧∇≦)/

"Don't worry! I will show you how to handle those girls and make them understand who is the boss here!" Ji Hoon takes his phone out confidently.

"Hehehe..." Jee Eun puts on a mischievous smile and slowly backs away from him.


"Hey Yeon Tae~ I heard from Jee Eun that you girls wanted me to call you and you girls might have some problems with me, is that it?"

"Ohhhh! It's Ji Hoon-ssi, Ji Hoon sunbaenim, PRODUCER-nim, our most respected BOSS! You finally call, what a miracle~! Girls, look who decided to show up!"

"W-what's with those formalities?"


"H-huh?! This voice... it's Nayoo isn't it?"

"Wow! You managed to recognize my voice oppa! I'm so touched~ Hmm, just a friendly reminder oppa, moving forward, please choose your words very wisely okay?"


"Kim Ji Hoon sunbaenim."

"N-nae? This is Hyun Seo right?"

"Nae sunbaenim, unnies wanted me to tell you this. 'You must arrive at the company in an hour, if you don't... unnie, what will happen if he doesn't come in time?"

"Tell him to try and see."

"That's what Cassie unnie said. See you later sunbaenim! *duu duu duu"

"...why is Hyun Seo the scariest when she is the youngest? And where do you think you are going Jee Eunnie? Don't you think you have some explaining to do?"

"Hahahaha..." Jee Eun who has been standing by the door runs away immediately.

"Hold it right there!!!"

When he reaches downstairs, Jee Eun is already in her manager's car.

"Bye oppa~ see you later!" She slides down the car window and waves her hand at him.

"Just you wait! I will confiscate all the snacks and especially your favourite chocolates in the house! LEE JEE EUN!!!"

Jee Eun's POV

"Phew... luckily I took out all the snacks from the fridge before coming out... hehehe you can't outsmart me oppa!"

"Is this okay? Making fun of your boss like that?" The manager driving the car asks her.

"It's fine manager oppa~ that's how we maintain our relationship, and doesn't oppa look cute when he is jumping up and down like this?" (♡´𓋰`♡)

"...I got no comment."


"Please! Please make it in time!" Ji Hoon rushes through the corridor, ignoring everyone who tries to greet him, until he reaches G0G's practice room. He enters the room hastily without knocking.

"Hmm, he came 2 minutes earlier, tch..."

"Why do you sound so dissapointed?!"

"Oppa, come sit with us, relax~ we won't bite you, we just wanna have a friendly conversation."

"...that doesn't sound convincing at all."

"Come, sit, here."

"NAE!" He sits in the middle, four girls on each side of him and Yeon Tae in front of him.

*gulp "Why do I feel like this is an interrogation?"

"Before we start, do you know why we summoned you here?"

"Erm... I have no idea."

"Ddaeng (negative), last chance."

"Because you girls miss me? Hahaha!"

"...girls, let's beat him up."

"W-wait! Is it because your schedules are too packed? Don't worry, I can solve the problem!"

The girls pause for a moment and continue to beat him up (tickles him).

"Argh!!!" A painful? voice resounded throughout the whole building.
