Chapter 59 Bet

"Oppa, after you gave us the lyrics, you just didn't care anymore. Don't you think that's a little irresponsible?" After some punishments, the girls surround him again and start questioning him.

"Ahahaha~ I'm really sorry about that, but you know I was really busy these days."

"Even so, not a single message or a call?"

"It's because I trust you girls, that song should be very easy for you! Alright since I'm free now, show me the work you've done."

Yeon Tae brings out her phone and play it in the room.

♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

'...Although as time passes, we might change

Let's not let go of our hands

Just for love, eternally

I hope my last love is you

To make my life complete

You make my life complete'

Cre: SNSD - Complete (I think this might be my favourite song of theirs)

"I mean... this is already a perfect studio version of the song, and since this is a ballad song, there's no choreography, so you just gotta practice for live performance."

"Hmph!" x9

"Good job girls! I knew you can do it, you always make me proud!"

"That's it?" x9

"H-hmm... for your next song, I will personally be your music producer, for real this time. Give me a moment, I'll write down the lyrics right now!"

All the girls stare at him intensely.

"C-can you give some space? I can't work properly under so much pressure."

"Oh? I didn't know you could feel pressured." Cassie sneers at him.

At first, the girls look at him suspiciously, but in the end they decided to be considerate, so they back off and continue what they were doing before Ji Hoon arrived. They do still keep an eye on him from time to time though.

"Phew... that was terrifying."


After ten minutes

"Here! Take a look!" He passes them the lyrics.

"What is this? 'Dudurudududu kissing you baby'... Oppa, are you joking?" < Yeon Tae

"You want us, some grown-up to sing this kind of song?!" < Cassie

Cre: SNSD - Kissing You

"How do you even think of song like this oppa?! This is so childish!" < Nayoo

"He wrote something on the bottom of the paper, 'the choreography will be you girls, each holding a lollipop and dance'. Ayyy ssibal." < Yeon Hyo

"Unnie, watch your language, no matter how frustrated you are, you shouldn't swear." < Hyun Seo

"This oppa has finally lost it... this might be the start of the downfall of the music genius, Kim Ji Hoon." < Riyu

"This is actually kinda cute no?" < Young Mi

"Right?! That's what I'm thinking too, I can unleash all my aegyo techniques in this song!" < Kyu Sun

"You two shut up!" < Young Soo

...(ꐦ○_○)Listening to those words, Ji Hoon's expression turns grim, the edge of his eye starts twiching.

"Listen up you brats! You think this song is too childish?! How about we make a bet right here right now?!"

"B-brats?! How dare you oppa!"

"Watch your language oppa..."

"What kind of bet?"

"If you score top three in all music charts in this country using this song, I win. And if I win, you cannot have any complaint whatsoever on the songs I give you moving forward. You cannot however purposely cheat on your efforts though."

"What if you lose?"

"Hmm, I don't know, what do you want?"

"If you lose, you must make a song for each and everyone of us, it can be a solo track, an ost or whatever, and no more childish songs in the future."

"Okay deal!"

"Unnie, maybe we should rethink this, oppa seems way too confident..." Hyun Seo said worriedly.

"Ayy maknae, you worry too much, who's gonna listen to this kind of music? Top three? It would be a miracle if we could make it into top ten."


"Ayy maknae! We got this! This an easy win for us."

"Sigh... we are doomed..." Hyun Seo thought to herself.

"Hehehe..." Ji Hoon laughs secretly as everything is going according to plan.


"By the way, has anyone of your received the invitation to join the Chae Suk hyung's new variety show?"

"Nayoo, Kyu Sun, Riyu and Young Soo received one each, but we can only choose one among them. Who do you think should go oppa?"

"Since we are talking about this, I wanna pull myself out of this, I don't think outdoor variety suits me." Kyu Sun raises her hand.

"You are just lazy and wanna play games at home aren't you?"


She pretends to not hear anything and starts whistling.

"Fine, Kyu Sun out, next?"

"I don't think I have any time for this show because it clashes with the other variety show I'm currently on." Young Soo raises her hand too.

"So Nayoo and Riyu are left."

"Err, Yeon Hyo and I got assigned as the dancing instructors for the trainees recently, so it's a no for me too." Riyu is out too.

Everyone in the room turns and looks at Nayoo.

"Seems like you are the only person available."

"Can I say no?"

"Nope." x9


"Don't worry, I was the one who gave the idea of the show, it's nothing too hard, just treat it as a weekly vacation. One thing that's for sure is you are gonna gain a lot of popularity in the future being on the same show with Chae Suk hyung."

"I almost feel jealous~"

"I would definitely go if I was picked by them."

"Unfortunately we don't have the talents the four of you have in variety show."

"Well, you still have a long time before the show starts, probably next year. For now, you should watch more variety shows and see how they do it."


"You should also pick up some talents like cooking, fishing and basic survival skills. It's gonna help a lot on that show."


"Hmm, that's basically it... I promised Chae Suk hyung I will be on the first episode so I will provide you some support as well."

"Really?! Thank you oppa~"

"Okay, it's time for me to leave. Is there anything else?"

"Oppa wait! Before you go, come with us, there are some people we want to show you."


P.s Who is your favourite in SNSD?