Chapter 60 Inspirations

G0G is leading Ji Hoon somewhere.

"Oppa, how long has it been since you last visited the trainees?"

"Hmm, it's been a while."

"You probably don't know the current situation of the trainees now, it changed a lot during your time in the army. Did the management side keep you updated?"

"Honestly, I don't even know how many trainees we have right now, are we even still recruiting new people to our company?"

"Of course we do! The quantity and quality of the trainees are very different than you last saw them."

"Different? Better or worse?"

"A lot better! To be honest, I think we might be the ones who will be eliminated if we are in the same batch with all these juniors. They are so much more talented in every aspect than us."

"Don't belittle yourselves, you need more than being talented to be a successful idol. See, there are a lot of people who can dance better than all of you, backup dancers, street dancers, even cheerleaders, but in the end they are just classified as professional dancers. Another example, opera singers, musical singers and trot singers, they are all better at vocals than most of you, but they are only classified as a professional singer. But being a professional idol is a whole new ball game, you need to have all those skillsets, and you need a certain kind of aura around you, one that can cheer people up when they see you, no matter what they are going through in their lives. That's why the nine of you are so special."

"Oppa..." All of them are touched by his words. (´;д;`)

"I remember when I see you girls the first time, I immediately knew you girls are borned to be idols, which is why I personally picked the nine of you to form a group."

'Nobody in this world knows more than me because afterall, you girls were the one who brightened up world in my previous life.'

"Oh? I never knew oppa was the one who picked us, I thought it was the management's idea."

"It was all me, I thought that the nine of you could set a new standard for all idols in the future. Doesn't matter if there are more popular or successful idol groups in the future, you will always be the one who inspired them, that's what I truly believe."

"No wonder we rarely receive any instructions from the company, it's a special privilege given by oppa!" ( ✧Д✧)

"But still, since you gave so much praises to the new trainees, I'm kinda interested right now, let's go see them."


"The numbers of girls and boys aren't balance at all..."

They gathered all the trainees and seperated into two groups (f/m).

"Well... our company are famous female stars afterall~ however..." Ji Hoon looks around the hall and sees a lot of familiar faces, he could almost find most of the 2nd generation idols here.

'Ef-ex, Tiara, Pink, and even Ah Hyun (this is hyuna)... wait, why is she here?!' *you guys know the groups right?

"Yeon Tae ah, you know that girl right there?"

"Which one?"

"The one who is kinda skinny, kinda tanned, oh she has a beauty mark under her left eye too."

"Oh that's Kim Ah Hyun-ssi, why?"

"I remember she debuted with the Girls of Wonder few months ago, why is she here?"

"Err... didn't you watch the news? She fainted on stage during their third performance, apparently her body is very weak and she faints easily if she overworks herself, so she decided to leave the group and starts from the beginning here, but this time taking more care her own body."

"That's kinda sad and admirable at the same time."

"Yeah... most would've gave up after that, she held on to her dreams."

'As for the boys, Shiny, Gi Hong (from ft island), Yong Hua (Cn blue), even Sungdae and Yangtae (Big bang)! Isn't this too overpowered?! How am I suppose to manage all of you?!' *these are the guys that I like personally, and they weren't in some serious shit, so I split them up from their original group.

"Oppa, you should say something to them, a lot of them are here because they were inspired by you, give some words of encourgement!"

"Do I have to...?"

"Oppa hwaiting!" Yeon Tae pushes him forward.


"Ehem... I've not been here for more than two years, and now I couldn't recognize any of you here. But since Yeon Tae and the girls told me just now, that you guys are very gifted, so I will trust their judgement. I will give all of you a chance to prove yourself, for those who wants to be an idol, form a group minimum of four temporarily, prepare and practice a song from your sunbaenim. G0G, AiU, Tay and I will be evaluating your skill levels next week. Same goes for those who wants to perform as a solo, duet or trio. And who knows, if you manage catch our eyes, you might even be promoted to Group A (ready to debut), so good luck everyone and see you next week!" Ji Hoon tries to sound as strict as possible.

"Kyaa, Ji Hoon oppa really came to see us! I've been here for a whole year but this is the first time I see him in real life..." ╥﹏╥

"Ji Hoon sunbaenim is so cool~ I wanna become a singer just like him some day!"

"Hey Christy, (remember her? Cassie's lottle sister) who do you want in your group?"

"Yang Tae hyung, let's join Gi Hong and Yong Hua~"

The trainees start talking to each other after Ji Hoon finshed his speech. He quickly leaves the hall with G0G when no one is watching them.

"Ayy oppa, I told you encourage them, not to add more pressures to them, and how are they going to prepare all that in a week? You are no fun at all oppa, and why did you have to pull us into this mess too?" Yeon Tae starts complaining once they left the hall.

"Well, you pushed me out so suddenly so I just said anything that came to my mind. And if they want to be a true professional, they have to be ready for unexpected situatioms like this. Plus I don't think you have to worry about them at all, they didn't look scare at all after I made the announcement, they were excited."

"Haaa... oppa, are you getting older? You speak like an old man..."

'Well... adding the age from my previously life, I'm already 51 years old, of course I sound old!' He thought to himself.


P.s Sorry for the late update, I was cleaning my house as CNY is coming up. So I might be very busy this upcoming week. I'll still try to update daily though.

P.p.s There will be more new trainees from 3rd gen and 4th gen in the future but not so soon.