8. Never insult my superiors

"Tell me who brought me here! Don't you ever hide the facts that will later make me angry with you. So far I have been kind to this clinic by not forcing you to say who the real people have helped me. But never ignore my kindness and my weakness because I absolutely will never tolerate any action from the people in this hospital."

Yuda nodded his head hearing what Afzal said. He knew it would be very high risk when he said that it was Zee who helped Afzal. For Yudha, it is better to be hostile to Afzal than to get the wrath of someone who has helped him from all kinds of misery before he joined Zee at the As Syifa clinic.

Seeing Yuda silent, Afzal could only look at the man in front of him with sharp eyes. She couldn't believe that a man dared to refuse her request and seemed to ignore her words. This was the first time he was ignored by others.

"You don't know who I really am that you dare ignore my words, Yudha? I'm sure you'll regret it once you find out who I really am."

Yudha nodded his head. He knows Afzal is not a random person but for Yudha, Zee is still the number one person who must be obeyed by her orders. To divert Afzal's anger, Yudha immediately stepped towards the door and waved to several people who were guarding Afzal's treatment room. Seeing Afzal just looking at him when he called the people Zee trusted to look after the man, Yuda then asked his bodyguards to take his place in Afzal's treatment room by sitting with the arrogant but weak man. Seeing Yudha about to leave his place, Afzal shouted.

"Never ignore me if you want to survive. Even though I'm currently weak here, I'm sure I can find people who will bring me back to where I belong. When that happens I will make sure that the people who are here will plead and bow to me to ask for my help and protection, including a woman named Zee. Keep that in mind. "

Yuda nodded his head hearing Afzal's words. He knew what the arrogant man said would be true later on. He tried to relent by sitting back in his original position.

"I just wanted to see the real situation, sir. Earlier I saw that there were several men who were walking around looking at the condition of the clinic. They wanted to come in, but security wouldn't allow it and I'm sure there would be a fight at the entrance gate."

Afzal frowned, then he nodded. He wanted to get up, but he couldn't because some wounds still limited his movement.

"Tell me if you find anything. Report every incident and I will be grateful if you do all my orders."

"Yes sir. Thank You."

Yudha bowed and walked out of Afzal's treatment room without looking at the patient who for him was very stubborn. He continued to walk towards the gate, where there was a dispute between the security and several well-built men.

"Don't overdo it, sir. I'm sure you guys are great people, but still, no matter how great humans are, it's forbidden to be arrogant and proud."

The handsome man who had always wanted to show his valor and superiority snorted. He really didn't expect that there was a security guard, the person he considered the lowest servant, the least promising job title, was able to answer all his sentences calmly without any worries or fear at all. Alex, the boy who attacked Afzal and is now trying to get into As Syifa, immediately looks around. He wants to find out who owns the clinic which is crowded with visitors. Small clinic but has its own charm for Alex.

"Call your boss and tell him I want to see him."

"I will carry out all your orders if you promise not to be violent to my master."

Alex nodded. He stretched out his hand and expressed his willingness to fulfill the request of the security guards. There is nothing more pleasing to Alex than knowing who owns the clinic he considers so exclusive. No one was able to meet the owner of the clinic and he didn't mind at all if he had to comply with Security's request.

"OK. Between me and I promise not to throw a tantrum."

Gino, As Syifa's mainstay security nodded, he stepped ahead of Alex. He immediately went to the leadership room and met Zee in the director's room. Gino immediately knocked on the door and found Andini sitting on Zee's oversized chair.

"Good morning Miss. I brought Mr. Alex who wants to meet Miss."

Andini looked at Alex for a moment then she nodded and asked the man to sit down. Alex, arrogantly complied with Andini's request and he looked around the room. Tried to find out the truth about As Syifa's owner from the identity posted on the wall, but to no avail. None of the stickers on the wall were able to answer Alex's curiosity. There are only some calligraphy and decorations in the form of natural scenery that soothes anyone who sees and is in the room.

"Can I help you sir?"

Alex cleared his throat. He really is like a tick. He wanted to steal the start, but he couldn't say anything at all because Andini always followed his gaze.

"I'm Alex."

"Yes, Alex. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Are you really the owner of this clinic?"

Andini smiled. She knew Alex wasn't one to be easily fooled, but she had no other choice but to save the real owner.

"Is there something wrong if I am the owner of this clinic, sir? Maybe you really need enlightenment and I will tell you all about this clinic to answer your curiosity."

"No need. I'm quite satisfied looking at you. Beautiful female doctor. I was only carrying out my boss's orders and had to take you before Mr. Leo ."

Andini frowned. She didn't know who Alex was talking about.

"Who's Leo?"

"My boss. He will interrogate you. Not the other way around. Show your best attitude and never contradict everything he says."

"Oh, just who is he? Is he the ruler of this land that you give such a frightening message, sir?"

Alex pouted. He was really confused. He wouldn't let anyone insult his superiors, but today he failed. Andini's words really reddened his ears. He clenched his fists and clenched his jaw, suppressing the emotions that had already appeared since the beginning of As Syifa's presence.

'Never insult my superiors. Even if you have high power, I really don't like you boasting by displaying your negative side. He prefers meek women who are submissive to rebellious, Miss. I ask you to do everything he asks."

"I am me and no one can intimidate me including your master. If he really wants to see me, tell him to come here and don't ever ask me to see him because that would be suicide."

"I have come according to your request, Miss"