9. Andini's Action

"I am me and no one can intimidate me including your master. If he really wants to see me, tell him to come here and don't ever ask me to see him because that would be suicide."

"I have come according to your request, Miss"

Andini was stunned to see a man standing in front of her with his hands on his hips while looking at her with sharp eyes. She never thought that what she said would happen in such a short time. At first she just wanted to bully Alex into not being arrogant to herself when she was at work, but her initial intentions were not to make her feel safe at all.

Leo, who had been looking at Andini, now stepped closer to the female doctor who looked pale. The face with light make-up turned whiter now as Leo's hand reached out and tried to grab her body.

"Keep your hands off me and don't ever try to disturb me when I'm at my house. You are a guest who should respect the host. It's not that the hosts are frightened by your presence which doesn't please me at all."

Leo who heard Andini's words shook his head slowly then he sat on the chair in front of Andini while lifting his legs and placing them on Andini's desk. He folded his arms in front of his chest, his sharp gaze still intimidating the woman who now lacked self-confidence in front of Leo.

"If I saw the change in your attitude from the start you asked my men to call me here, I believe you were in a position of fear."

"No, I'm never afraid when I'm in my own house. Both my parents asked me to remain an authoritative person when I was at home alone. If you have to be afraid, you should be the guest at this clinic, not me."

"Hahaha you really are a hypocrite and it makes me unsympathetic to you. Even though you are a woman, I will never let you freely live on this earth. Alex, take this woman to headquarters and never let her go before she tells you where the real owner of this clinic is."

Leo's men looked at each other. They never thought that Andini had lied to them by saying that she was the owner of the clinic who would provide information regarding Afzal.

"So what I'm dealing with here is not the owner of this clinic, sir?"

Leo shook his head at the question from Alex and the rest of his men. He took something from his trouser pocket and showed it to his gaze and his men. Alex, who saw the image of a veiled woman displayed in front of him, just shook his head not believing that he was so easily fooled by Andini.

"Forgive me for being careless in carrying out Master's orders. I will never repeat a second time. Thank you for the kindness you have given us so that at this time we can escape punishment."

Leo nodded his head and then he waved his hand asking Alex and his men to get Andini out of the Asyifa clinic's Director's room. Before his men left the room, he preceded them leaving the main director's room and tried to walk around Asyifa's clinic looking for the place where Zee was.

Andini, who is now in an uncomfortable and safe position, struggles to escape from Leo's men who want to take her out of Asyifa's clinic to their headquarters. The tears that had been welling up since the beginning, now actually fell one by one down her cheeks. She never thought that what she was doing would harm herself. Initially she wanted to save Zee who was in a threatened position, but her actions actually made her have to accept violence from Alex.

"Come on and follow us. You have to take responsibility for everything you did to us by trying to lie to you in order to protect the clinic owner."

"Let go of my hand and never take me anywhere. I will never allow you to harm me just because of what I did. I'm sure when you were in my position you would do the same thing I did to protect your workplace and your boss."

"Ha ha ha ha. Is it like that? You are even kinder than me and my men."

Alex continued to grab Andini's hand and tried to take her to the car parked in As Syifa's yard.

"Let go of me and never abuse a girl if you are a real stud." Andini said as she continued to struggle trying to escape. No one around her tried to save her from the clutches of Alex and his men. They were busy blocking the path of Leo who was trying to enter the lift which is Zee's access to her main house at the peak of As Syifa.

"Alright, Just obey my orders and never fight back because I'm sure you'll suffer for refusing the orders of my boss named Master Leo. You've seen the boss and I'm sure you understand what he's like without me having to tell him beforehand. I can see from the look in your eyes, you are a strong and great woman who is able to read the surrounding situation so I'm sure you can get to know Boss Leo well."

Andini waved her hand once again trying to free herself as much as possible but her strength was still weaker than Alex's, who was assisted by two of his subordinates. He was starting to despair at his current state. His efforts, which he considered futile, finally made Andini resign from receiving treatment from Alex and his men who now took her into a luxury car parked in the courtyard of Asyifa's clinic.

She circulated her eyes to look around, maybe there were workers who saw what was happening she was going through, but she had to swallow bitter saliva. The security guards are still struggling to stop Leo and the nurses and duty officers are still focused on their activities.

"Finally you gave up too beautiful woman. I prefer you to be silent like this. , obeyed my orders and did not rebel at all. You look cuter and cuter." Brian, Leo's other subordinates, held Andini's chin and brought his face closer to tease Andini. Andini, who thought Brian would kiss her immediately turned her face away.

"Ha ha ha, you thought I would kiss you, Hem?"

Andy's face reddened. Besides being embarrassed, she is also annoyed at Brian who can always make herself lose and helpless. She was also annoyed that Alex only looked at Brian's behavior trying to harass her.

"Take it easy. If you want, we can do that later. I don't want my behavior to be seen by the rest of Mr. Leo's men and they will report my indecent act."

Andini spit out, making Alex and Brian laugh even more. He likes what the woman who is currently in his hands is doing. As usual, Alex really likes women who are rebellious and don't easily accept his sweet treatment. There is a certain challenge that he feels when he gets rejected and it is very fun for him.