
News of Mu Linghan's victory over Mu Ye quickly spread throughout the Mu family. 

When Mu Yan and the other elders heard the news, they were surprised.

"Mu Linghan actually won?!"

Mu Yan however, thought to himself, 'As expected.'

When he saw Mu Linghan taking the Azure Primal Slash manual the other day, he vaguely felt something was off. Then, he suddenly recalled that the Azure Primal Slash was a technique that only someone at least the level of Novice could cultivate!

Previously, Mu Linghan was only at Rank 7 Yuan Energy, so what use would he have with such a manual?

Now, it seemed that perhaps…

An inexplicable excitement surged up in Mu Yan's heart. Could Mu Linghan have recovered?!

But, it was only a fleeting thought in his mind that was quickly rejected.

When Mu Linghan's Yuan Energy was depleted, his meridians were completely reduced to waste! Why would the main family expel him if there was even the slightest possibility of recovery?

However, if that was the case, then how had Mu Linghan won the duel?

"Did he… use his Novice's powers?" Mu Yan suddenly asked.

The few elders beside him froze and looked at each other. They could already guess the reason for Mu Yan asking this question.

But, how was that possible?

In the capital city, even with the Mu family's powers, they were still unable to cure Mu Linghan. Mu Linghan had only been here for a short time, so how could he have already recovered?

"Master Mu Yan, I observed very carefully. Mu Linghan didn't use the powers that a Novice would have had." 

Another elder pushed open the door and walked it as he said that. It was the elder that was responsible for overseeing the duel between Mu Ye and Mu Qinglan.

The other elders in the room all looked over and were even more puzzled. "Then, how did he win?" 

The elder that just came in sighed, a complicated look on his face. 

After a long while, he finally said, "I can't tell if Mu Linghan is a Novice or not. But, I can be certain that he held back when he dealt with Mu Ye. That duel… was completely one-sided!" 

Following his words, the elder described the entire flow of events once more.

The people present in the room were silent for a long time.

"As expected, he's just like the rumors among the main family. He's ruthless in his methods…" An elder said slowly.

"You can't say it like that. This was a duel between the two of them, and there is no such thing as being ruthless. They have been at odds for a long time, and it's obvious that Mu Ye was the one with evil intentions first. He actually planned on poisoning Mu Linghan to his death! I would say that Mu Ye reaped what he sowed in this situation." 

Mu Yan rapped his knuckles against the table lightly. The soft sound silenced everyone in the room instantly. 

"At the end of the day, Mu Linghan is still a genius born into the Mu family. Even if his cultivation has been ruined, I'm sure he still has his strengths." 

"Yes." Everyone responded respectfully. 

"Right now, the most important matter is the Martial Assembly that's in one month." 

All the elders present had a solemn look on their faces at these words.

Mu Yan's expression, however, darkened. 

"This year, we have to screen through the fledglings and make sure to send a few good ones to earn back the Mu Mansion's reputation! Otherwise, the situation in my Mu Mansion will become even more critical." 

"As you say, Master Mu Yan." 

Suddenly, an elder asked, "Time is of the essence, Master Mu Yan. Why don't we call Mu Liu'er and the others back so that they can be fully prepared when the time comes?" 

Mu Yan was silent for a moment as he thought about it, then nodded.


The atmosphere in the Mu Mansion over the two days was strange.

Everyone was acting a little cautious for some unknown reason, especially when they looked in a specific direction. Although their gazes were a little vague and complicated, it was difficult to hide the hint of fear in them. It was as though if one didn't pay attention, something terrifying would appear from that direction.

That direction was Mu Qinglan's residence.

In the past, her residence was remote and simple. Few people set foot in that place, and after the duel, even more people avoided it. Most of them even walked around the area when they needed to pass it.

Mu Qinglan was not concerned about it at all.

After dealing with Mu Ye, she pushed that matter out of her mind and instead started to cultivate diligently.

She had advanced into the Novice realm overnight. Although she had a strange little help from that black jade tablet, it resulted in her powers stabilizing very well.

Moreover, she originally wanted to use the Yuan Soul-Fire Crystal to help reshape her body, but she didn't expect the Vermillon Bird to step in first. In the end, although she dominated the Vermillon Bird and tempered its powers into the veins of her body, it still wasn't perfect. She benefited from it, but there was also a hint of hidden danger in that power.

The Vermillion Bird's powers were too overbearing for her right now. If not for the fact that she had previously cultivated to Divine Psionic Realm, her body probably would be unable to withstand it.

So, the most important thing for her now was to fuse the leftover powers in her body and transform them into her own Yuan Energy!

After thinking about it, she didn't hesitate to dress up and walk out the door.

She wore a black robe with wide sleeves that would cover her body's shape and a hood that covered her entire frame.

Just in case, she also did something to her face. If one didn't look at her properly, it was impossible to recognize her.

She had been in Luo Xi City for only a month or so, and apart from the people in the Mu Mansion, only a few people knew her. However, it was better to be careful in the end.

After leaving the house, Mu Qinglan finally arrived at the only auction house in Luo Xi City, the Xia Shang Auction House, after a few turns.

Although Luo Xi City was small, because of its proximity to Nine Foot Mountain Rage, there were usually many people who came to this city to obtain primordial beasts or Yuan Cores. There were even times where rare items could be found here, so Xia Shang Auction House's business has always been popular and good.

Mu Qinglan raised her head and looked at the auction house in front of her.

It had a wide, tall gilt door. Above it, there was a sign with the words "Xia Shang Auction House" written in big, gold letters. It was shiny and also very dazzling. There was also an endless stream of lively exchanges at the entrance.

On each side of the gate was a guard.

Although there were only two guards, even a fool would be able to tell that their realms were absolutely extraordinary.

Even though many people went in and out through the doors, they gave respectable looks to the two guards. It was apparent that these two guards were not people to be trifled with.

Mu Qinglan ensured her hood was secured, then walked towards the entrance.

As she was not the only one dressed like this, she didn't attract much attention.

However, at the entrance, she stopped and walked towards the person on the right.

"Excuse me. I have something I want to auction, and I'm wondering how I should get it appraised?" 

Mu Qinglan had lowered her voice and made it a little hoarse. She also deliberately dragged out her words a little to sound more like a middle-aged man.

The guard who heard her was a little puzzled, but his expression relaxed when he heard that. It seemed that this was this person's first time here.

But, was it really their first time here with the way they were dressed?

The guard exchanged glances with the other guard on the opposite side for a few moments, and disdain flashed in their eyes.

"What do you want to auction?" 

It was most probably just some poor beggar who wanted to exchange some useless knick-knack for some money. 

"Sigh. Let me tell you first that not everyone can enter this auction house, and not just anything can be auctioned in here."

The guard's words held some vague hints of impatience as he spoke.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qinglan side suddenly raised her head slightly. Under the wide hood, an azure-colored beard stubble could be faintly be seen.

She responded in the same lazy, hoarse voice, "I wonder… Will a Yuan Soul-Fire Crystal be eligible to be auctioned here?" 

The guard's face, which initially had a disdainful expression, changed instantly at those words!