
A Yuan Soul-Fire Crystal?!

That was a treasure that would only appear when a Tier 6 primordial beast, the Fire Spirit Lion, gave birth to cubs!

The man in front of them who looked so depressing actually had something like that?

The two guards exchanged looks.

Xia Shang Auction House was the largest auction house in the entire Holy Yuan Empire. Although the one in Luo Xi City was only a branch of it, it was still prestigious. Few people dared cause trouble here.

Then, this person might really have… ?

With that, the guard immediately collected himself and schooled his features. However, it is evident that the guard was now had a more respectful attitude. He turned sideways and bowed slightly as he said, "This way, please, sir." 

The guard was actually leading Mu Qinglan personally!

The many people who came and went to the entrance were curious after seeing this scene unfold in front of them.

After all, a person who made the guard act this way must be someone important. Or, he might be someone who had some extraordinary treasure.

No matter which was the reason, it still made everyone watching curious.

Not far away, a youth who had just arrived, narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this scene.

"Go. Find out who exactly that person is." 

There were two old men behind this youth, and when they heard the youth's words, they nodded and left immediately. 

The youth fiddled with his fan, and a playful smile curled on his lips.

He had initially come for 'that thing', but there would perhaps be some other windfall…

 When the people around him saw him, their gazes held a hint of awe, but there were also flashes of unrestrained fear in them.

The youth walked towards the entrance.

The solemn look on the remaining guard's face lessened slightly when he caught sight of the youth, and his tone when he spoke was even more respectful than usual.

"Is there something special going on today? Even you've come, Young Master Jiang." 

Jiang Xuan snorted. "You rarely have good things, so it's only natural that I would come to take a look personally." 

The guard's eyes darkened, and displeasure flashed in his heart, but he didn't show any such feelings on the surface. He merely bowed his head and gave Jiang Xuan a polite smile, "You jest, Young Master Jiang." 

"Jiang Xuan, your words were over the line." 

A soft voice came from behind all of a sudden.

Jiang Xuan's face changed, and he turned around in surprise. A woman dressed in bright yellow was walking slowly towards him with a graceful figure.

"Xia Shang Auction House is the largest auction house in the empire. How can you say nonsense like that?" 

Although it was apparent that her words were a rebuke, it made those who listened feel like it was a spring breeze instead because of how soft and gentle the woman's voice was. Even someone as proud and overbearing as Jiang Xuan couldn't bear to get angry at this woman with a gentle and delicate face. 

"Yes, alright. You were right, Yurou. That's how I am, and my words may be grating to the ears. But, I mean no ill-will by it. Don't be angry, alright?" 

Ye Yurou smiled lightly. "I would naturally not be angry with you, Young Master Jiang." 

The way she said those words were a little clever. It felt as though it were words exchanged between people familiar with each other, yet it also drew a clear line between them.

The entire Luo Xi City knew that the Jiang family's young master was interested in the Ye family's second lady.

The second young lady of the Ye family was extraordinarily talented and beautiful, and many people liked her, obviously. But, Ye Yurou also had a good personality. Although she had no interest in returning Jiang Xuan's affections, she was always polite and gentle towards him.

This made Jiang Xuan pursue her even harder.

Otherwise, he wouldn't bother listening to Ye Yurou like this.

Ye Yurou turned around and looked at the guard, whose face now looked better than before, and nodded lightly. 

"I will head in first, then." 

The guard smiled and invited her in. Then, he looked at Jiang Xuan and was about to say something when Jiang Xuan chased after Ye Yurou and also entered the place.

"Yurou, you seldom go out. What did you want to see today? As long as you like something, I'll bid on it all for you!" 

When Ye Yurou heard this, her red lips curled up slightly and she said softly, "I'm just browsing around. But, I'm about to breakthrough, and I'm short of something to replenish my Yuan Energy. So, I wanted to take a look and came here." 

Jiang Xuan was shocked. "You're about to breakthrough again?" 

Ye Yurou shyly nodded.

Jiang Xuan crowed with praise secretly on the inside, but on the outside, he patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'll definitely bid on it for you!"

Ye Yurou's smile diminished slightly and said slowly, "Young Master Jiang, although the Ye family is not as great as the Jiang family, we don't have to rely on someone else's charity in a trivial matter like this." 

Having said that, Ye Yurou didn't bother to see Jiang Xuan's reactions and walked straight into the building.

Jiang Xuan was frustrated. As he watched Ye Yurou's retreating back, he thought to himself, 'Who said it was charity? As long as it's something she wants, I will naturally give it to her! Nobody will be able to snatch it away!'


On the other side, Mu Qinglan had followed the guard all the way inside and finally arrived at the innermost room. 

The guard went in first and reported before he came out again.

"Someone will appraise the item you have. Please go on in." 

Once the guard finished speaking, he turned around respectfully and left.

Mu Qinglan watched him leave, then stepped inside the room.

The room was small and somewhat dark. When she entered it, she sat down on the only stool in the room.

Suddenly, an old man appeared behind the table in front of her from nowhere.

The light was too dim to see his appearance clearly. Mu Qinglan could only tell that it was an old man, and he had a hunched figure.

"I'm the treasure appraiser for Xia Shang Auction House, Xia Yunshan." 

The dry, old voice rang out beside Mu Qinglan's ears.

"You mentioned you want to auction off a Yuan Soul-Fire Crystal?"

Mu Qinglan nodded. "Yes." 

"Place the item on the table in front of you." 

Mu Qinglan drew out a Yuan Soul-Fire Crystal that was half the size of her palm and placed it in front of her.

A withered-looking hand reached out and took the crystal, turning it over to carefully examine it.

After a moment, the old man slowly let out a breath. He raised his eyes and looked intently at Mu Qinglan as he said, "This is indeed a Yuan Soul-Fire Crystal." 

Although his tone was calm, waves of shock were crashing into his heart repeatedly!

This was a crystal from a Tier 6 primordial beast!

Forget about the small Luo Xi City, even in the whole empire, there were only a few people who could bring out an item like this!

He had actually left the capital to come here because of 'that item'. Who would have thought that he would also find something so precious here?!

Xia Yunshan really didn't know if he should be glad that he had made this trip.

Who in the world was this person in front of him?

Even with the Yuan Soul-Fire Crystal in his palm, he could already feel the scorching and terrifying power it emitted!

What kind of person would auction off such a precious treasure?!

"Usually, most of the items in the auction house are divided into three grades. As for this, it's enough to be rated as a superior grade on its own above those three grades!"

Looking at how the other party was unmoved, Xia Yunshan continued, "From today onwards, you are a VIP of the entire Xia Shang Auction House. We will definitely get a satisfactory price for you!" 

Mu Qinglan stood and brought her hands together in a salute.

"Then, thank you very much." 


The auction hall was vast, and a huge transparent crystal stood in the middle of it.

Meanwhile, the surroundings were filled with seats.

Mu Qinglan found an inconspicuous position and sat down.

Several people looked over at her.

However, she ignored them all and raised her head to look at the venue. 

More people were pouring in, and it even felt as though the place would overflow.

But, even though there were many people, none of them caused a stir or kicked up a fuss. They all understood that this was not an ordinary place.

Mu Qinglan swept her eyes across the hall and found that a few groups of people held the obvious advantage in this place.

Hearing the way people addressed them, they were from prominent families within Luo Xi City.

She looked around further and found Mu Yan somewhere in front of her.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrow.

What was in this auction that made several of the city's great families to be present today?