First Kiss

Kate was smiling broadly like catching a thief who had been stealing for a long time.

"Hi. I'm Chris." He introduced himself, nudging Aurora. "we go to the same college."

"Yeah, he is an architect student," Aurora spoke up.

"Two entirely different majors together, huh!" Kate said and went back in. "Come in. I have some good beer." Then tension broke as they walked in.

"You should have left early. Dumb." She whispered to him as they walked in. But he seemed to be enjoying all of it.

"Meet me someday," Kate told Chris suddenly as Aurora left the kitchen for a bit. He nodded and pretended to be relaxed as she came back. Kids were sleepy and tucked into bed since they didn't take their afternoon naps.

"Okay, I will better get going." He stood up.

"I will walk you to the subway." She got up instantly and accompanied him.

"Come often," Kate said while Aurora kept pushing him to walk fast. "Bye"

"Take care, Kate," Chris said, and they both left the house. It was about to rain. "You should have taken the umbrella." He told her.

"Don't go now." She said suddenly.

"What?" he looked surprised. He could not help smiling looking at her face, in between shyness and embarrassment of asking him.

"There is a river nearby. It is famous here. Let's Walk." She said. He suddenly kissed her cheek and ran off.

"You," she screamed, running behind him.

Reaching the river, panting, she said, "sorry, I didn't know it's this far." He gave her the bottle of water he bought, and she drank it all at once.

"You should often exercise, Rori," she looked at his face. This was the first time anybody had called her that except her family and friends. She smiled and walked closer to the river banks. They stayed there as people passed by for a long time. It was dark already. She texted Kate, saying she would be home a bit late. Watching the water gave her a fresh feeling. Chris once again held her hands that evening. The wind stroked her hair as it passed by. Nature seemed to be very romantic. A perfect sky, cool water and a slow and steady breeze. Aurora wanted to hold on to it while Chris felt all of it differently from before. "Wah, I'm loving it," she said while getting up.

"Loving what?" he asked, helping her get up.

"This?" but he looked at her for more answers, brows raised. "The river.."

"And?" he demanded.

"The atmosphere and.."

"And?" he asked again, teasing her.

"Nothing. Forget it." She got irritated. But he pulled her closer. He moved the hair off her face. He, for the first time, touched her face with his fingers. Her skin burned as he touched her. He pulled her closer by her waist, looked at her, and leaned in. He looked into her turquoise blue eyes and slowly touched her lips with his. It's like a painting they looked like for others who caught them. Kissing on a perfect night with the background of a river and a cool breeze with rain slowly beginning to pour down. A perfect moment was captured. She pulled back as she went out of breath. They both were smiling. It began to rain. He kissed her again, and this time he smiled. He was having his first's with her in different ways. He held her tight as if he was stopping her from slipping through his hands. She did not understand exactly what was going on. But this was her first kiss in her whole life, and she stiffened. She isn't used to these feelings, but yet with him, it felt comfortable. People were whispering and smiling around them. He hugged are and stood there for couple more minutes, burying his face in her neck. He could not just let go. He did not want to g back at all. She had him as she wanted him to too. Her heart fluttered but was confused at the same time. She wanted this, but she also did not.

They walked back home in the rain silently. Chris couldn't resist feeling good and smiling. She wanted to scream her lungs out and let it all out. But she controlled herself but failed to hide her dangerous smile this time. "Bye, take care," Aurora told him and sent him off.

Aurora walked into the house dripping in water once again. "Go change fast," Kate ordered her, instantly throwing her a towel. She ran to her room, not giving her face to Kate. Aurora opened her door and closed it immediately. "What? Have I started hallucinating?" she opened the door again. The same dark-haired guy, tall and fit, with his charming grey eyes sitting on her bed. She opened the door again and closed it behind. "You are quick. Good," he said. She realized it isn't hallucinations. He was there. Chris. Sitting in her room again. "What are you doing here?" she asked him trying to be angry but failing because of the smile that lighted upon her face.