Disappeared again

"Come here" Chris called her. "I bought some fried chicken, cake, and a few carbonated drinks. This must be enough for dinner. Just one more night." He said. "Please," To this Aurora smiled and turned away. She switched off the room lights instantly to pretend that she has slept for Kate to think that way. And turned on the bedside lamp.

"What if they find out?" she asked him looking a bit worried.

"Let them," he replied for that busy eating what he bought. She hit him again and began eating with him.

They completed the whole thing and cleaned the room. She used the room spray to push out the smell of the food. She put a pillow and a spread on the floor for him to sleep. "Why should I sleep down ?" he questioned her.

"Sleep there or you get out," she ordered him. He obeyed her and stayed down. Aurora wasn't able to sleep in his presence this night. She lay facing him. She got down and sat beside him to her surprise was sleeping well. She leaned on him observing him. He looked peaceful. She was about to kiss his forehead while he got up and pulled her down.

"You weren't sleeping?" She flushed red. He shook his head. He was on top of her. He held her with one hand.

"Will you trust me?" he asked all of a sudden. She didn't know what to say but agreed to it nodding her head. He looked into her eyes and moved closer planted a kiss on her forehead and Aurora closed her eyes. He then kissed her cheeks and gave a peck on her lips. He kissed her passionately once again. He wrapped her close to him and lay looking at each other. He had his arms resting on her belly, circling his finger around her belly button which tickled her and gave her sort of feelings and arousal. She stopped him from moving his fingers. Chris was being such a teaser. He smiled and slept easily.

When Aurora woke up the next morning he wasn't there. She smiled and rolled the sheets and arranged the pillows back in their place. She found the note stuck in the washroom mirror saying 'See you at college,' and a winking emoji. She washed up and got dressed. The weekend flew fast she felt. She walked downstairs packing her bags and sat for breakfast.

"I understood he was there. I will pretend like I didn't know anyway." Kate said. Aurora coughed to hide her shock.

"What no? No. " she tried to cover up. But Kate gave her a cup of water and walked out of the kitchen. Aurora stuffed her mouth with food and got out of the house fast. She had trouble facing Kate.

"Where the hell were you?" Daniel asked Chris. Chris not even minding his questions got ready and left for class. "Your mom asked me to tell you that they won't be home next weekend and she set up a date for you. She said she will call you." He informed him. Chris tried his best to ignore the news. He did not want to lose his good mood to something foul coming from his family.

But Chris walked out fast of his dorm. He attended all his classes and waited for the lunch break. He failed to find her for the next whole week. It was like Aurora totally disappeared. She didn't even return his calls. He felt empty for the first time.

Chris would go to her classes, ask her classmates and look around all the cafeteria. It was like she was not even coming to the campus. Hence Chris finally made up his mind to ask her professor.

"Aurora has a gig, she is working hard with new composing this time. Let her do it." Professor patted his shoulder and walked off.

"Hey" somebody called him.

"Here. I was asked to give you this ticket." The girls handed out a concert ticket. He understood. Chris ran out to get a taxi. To him, the journey to the nearby theatre felt long. He was impatient. He finally reached the place. He showed the ticket. The guard asked him to take the VIP seats on the front.